
  • 网络parallels;Parallel Universe;Multiverse
  1. 人类所想象的那种样子的平行宇宙是不存在的。

    Parallel universes do not exist in the form imagined by man .

  2. 就信息流而言,这3种系统分别运行在3个平行宇宙中。

    These three systems operate in three parallel universes as far as information flows are concerned .

  3. 认为另有一个平行宇宙的概念是很难理解的。

    The idea of a parallel universe is hard to grasp .

  4. 正是这一思绪的变化让奇异博士分了心,导致法术没有按预期施展,轰的一声,顷刻间平行宇宙乱套了。

    Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn 't cast as intended and boom : instant multiverse madness .

  5. 可以肯定的是,奇异博士(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演)会出现在本片中(一点也不意外),还有能扰乱平行宇宙的一个关键人物。

    Well , Doctor Strange ( Benedict Cumberbatch ) is definitely in this movie ( which is no surprise ) and a key player in potential multiverse shenanigans .

  6. 别忘了,一部电影中出现多个蜘蛛侠是完全可能的:获得奥斯卡奖的《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》就做到了。

    And let us not forget the movie that showed us multiple spider-people in a film can work : The Academy Award-winning " Spider-Man : Into the Spider-Verse . "

  7. 在这个平行宇宙中,美国前副总统迪克切尼(DickCheney)是最为畅所欲言的居民。

    Dick Cheney , the former vice-president , is the most vocal resident of this parallel universe .

  8. Facebook前数据主管杰夫•哈默巴赫尔(JeffHammerbacher)称:“我这代人中头脑最为出色的人都在考虑如何让人们点击广告。”在另一个平行宇宙中,他们也许正在考虑更有意义的事。

    Jeff Hammerbacher , former head of data at Facebook , said : " The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. " In a parallel universe , they might be figuring out something more noteworthy .

  9. 海格尔富丽(32FrederickE.deSilvaMawatha,Kandy,94-81-223-4571,helgasfolly.com):斯里兰卡一处美妙的平行宇宙,有种奇异的本土色彩,其奢华自成一格,晚餐十分美味。

    Helga 's Folly ( 32 Frederick E. de Silva Mawatha , Kandy , 94-81-223-4571 , helgasfolly . com ) : A delightful alternative universe to Sri Lanka , fashioned by an eccentric native . Luxurious in its own way , with delicious dinners .

  10. 你的众多分身所处的平行宇宙,共同构成了第一个层次的多重宇宙。

    THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES of your alter egos constitute the Level I multiverse .

  11. 相反,它创造了一个平行宇宙,有自己的世界秩序。

    Instead it provides a sort of parallel universe with its own world order .

  12. 什么又是平行宇宙天河永恒世界?

    What are " the parallel universe "," Sky River " and " Eternal World "?

  13. 在一个多么无趣的平行宇宙里恭维别人的外表才是带有性别偏见的言论?

    In what joyless , parallel universe is complimenting someone on their appearance a gender-specific remark ?

  14. 在多重宇宙的理论中,存在无数个平行宇宙。

    In the multiverse theory , there are an infinite number of universes running parallel to our own .

  15. 这个“虫洞”可能连接两个平行宇宙,或同一宇宙更遥远的地方。

    This " wormhole " may connect two parallel universes , or even distant parts of the same universe .

  16. 在阿肯色州的白金水晶受独特的编程而成为平行宇宙与反物质的天使界之界面。

    The Platinum Crystal in Arkansas is uniquely programmed to interface with Parallel Universes and the Angelic Ream of anti-matter .

  17. 《指南》说,关于平行宇宙,你要意识到的第一件事就是,它们不是平行的。

    The first thing to realise about parallel universes , the Guide says , is that they are not parallel .

  18. 在另一个平行宇宙中,作为雄鹿队球员的诺维茨基正在布拉德利中心球馆经历他的第20个赛季。

    In an alternate universe , right there in the Bradley Center is where Nowitzki would have spent his 20-year career .

  19. 生活在第一层平行宇宙的观测者,也经验著和我们一样的物理定律,只不过初始条件不同。

    Observers living in Level I parallel universes experience the same laws of physics as we do but with different initial conditions .

  20. 对于欧洲的借款人来说,这是一段诡异的时期,仿佛有一个虫洞打开了,通向一个惯常的金融原理都不再适用的平行宇宙。

    These are strange times for European borrowers , as if a wormhole has opened up to a parallel universe where the usual rules of financial gravity are suspended .

  21. 有些理论在无论发生了什么,已经发生了的思想上非常严格,它们主张你在过去所有的动作会分裂进一个平行宇宙中。

    Some theorists have gotten around the rigid whatever happened , happened idea by claiming that every different action you take in the past splits off into a parallel universe .

  22. 这个区域可能离我们的银河系相距遥远,是一个人类从未探知的平行宇宙。

    This system could be a far-flung region of our own Milky Way galaxy , another galaxy at the other side of the universe , another dimension , or parallel universe .

  23. 过去(没错,“过去”这词儿说起来的确有些可笑),《银河系漫游指南》对于平行宇宙发表过蛮多的看法。

    The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy has , in what we laughingly call the past , had a great deal to say on the subject of parallel universes .

  24. 我只是想理清自己思路,推测结局发生了什么,我估计和一个平行宇宙有关。

    I just want to get my thoughts out about what I think happened at the end of the movie which I think deals with the possibility of an alternate universe .

  25. 你何时能够明白,平行宇宙中天河文明的命运,就在超星飞离永恒世界的那一刻就已确定了?

    When are you able to understand that the fate of civilization in the Sky River of the parallel universe has been determined in the moment of Superstar leaving the eternal world ?

  26. 面对现场的技术专家,他坚定地说道,你们所代表的世界,并非一个法律、道德规范以及所有社会治理基本原则皆不适用的平行宇宙。

    He insisted to the technologists that the world you represent is not a parallel universe where legal and moral rules and all the basic principles that govern societies do not apply .

  27. 过去几日,全球股市连遭重挫,导致大量伤亡。而其中一起伤亡可能是这样一种观点:即中国市场是在自己的平行宇宙中运行。

    There have been many casualties in the past few days of stunning share price declines and one of those could be the idea that the Chinese market operates in its own parallel universe .

  28. 有些人试图为时间旅行辩护,他们提出了平行宇宙理论时间旅行者所做出的改变也会创造出一段全新的、鼓励的历史,从已存在的时间流中分离出来。

    Some people have tried to defend time travel with arguments like the parallel universe resolution , in which the changes made by the time traveler create a new separate history , branching off from the existing one .

  29. 如果有人愚蠢地掉进一个黑洞,他们会被其巨大的引力粉碎,因为大多数物理学家认为,还是会被推进到一个平行宇宙,或出现在另一次时代?

    If someone foolishly fell into a black hole , will they be crushed by its immense gravity , as most physicists believe , or will they be propelled into a parallel universe or emerge in another time era ?

  30. 实际上,将成为总统的人要在平行宇宙,一个最高行政权力通过挥一下手来更改法律,转一下笔来重构社会的地方,竞选数个月。

    In truth , the men who would be President have been running for months in a parallel universe , a place where a Chief Executive changes laws by waving a hand and reorders society at the stroke of a pen .