- 名average speed;mean velocity

The train 's average speed was no better than that of our bicycles .
While normal speed traps try to catch speeding drivers at one single spot , average speed cameras punish drivers who cover the distance between point A and B too fast .
Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour .
Our speed averaged out at 50 km an hour .
The time-averaged velocity field of the wake and Karman vortex street flow field are considered as two kinds of the background flow field .
Detailed mean velocity distribution of a rotating U-bend duct was measured with LDA .
Launched in1991 , Shanghai yawned its way through the Asian financial crisis and the first half of this decade , when China was reporting average GDP growth of10 per cent .
A multi-dimensional two-phase model and a special software of hydromechanics FLUENT are used to simulate the average speed solid flow in municipal solid waste ( MSW ) .
After the optimization , the average speed of reading NAND Flash is about 1.3 Mbyte / s and speed of writing is about 0.8 Mbyte / s.
A Kind of Distortion of Mean Velocity Profile in Pipe Poiseuille Flow and Its Stability Behaviour
In the thesis , EOF in a straight channel is measured . Zeta potential is obtained indirectly and used in following numerical simulation .
The average velocity in the observing days is ( 20.3 cm / s , 350 °) at the 500 m levels .
Matlab is employed to simulate this model to analyze the impacts on mean velocity , density and volume of arterial traffic flow by the flow volume on the artery and the turning flow volumes from branches .
The mean velocity profiles , the RMS ( root-mean-square ) velocity profiles and Reynolds stress profiles calculated by the modified model are consistent with the results of DNS .
The low average velocity of first 10m and low level maintenance of maximal speed are main reasons contributing to the differences between international elite runners and national elite runners .
In the CGT region , the relation between turbulent Reynolds stress and mean velocity gradient is nonlinear .
The SiO_2-crystalline structure is analysed and the relation between mean Velocity and energy of electron is discussed according to the energy band theory in this paper . The micromechanism of crystal conducting and isolating is explained .
The major observed results are as follows : 1 the average velocity in the observing days is ( 47.4 cm / s , 346 °) at the 200 m levels .
Shock wave velocity in Teflon sample , average velocity and flatness of Mylar flyer plate driven by electronic gun have been successfully measured by fiber-optic pins .
The average velocity field with maximum absolute error of 54 m / s and maximum relative error of less than 2 % in XJ area is tested by using VSP of two new wells .
As the rotation period of Comet Hale-Bopp is about 12 hours , the average velocity of jets was determined at ( 599 ± 34 ) m / s according to 27 measurements .
By quantitative study on movement speed when subjects overcame a weight load in weight training , a relationship was found between weight load and average movement speed of the whole body or a segment , which is demonstrated by a weight-velocity curve and basically suits for Hill equation .
Deep at 250m at 140 ° W of the equator , the affection of variations from tropical western Pacific on the current was found with a propagating speed around 1.3m/s .
Four weeks of continuous infusion later , Morris water maze was applied to test the spatial orientation ( searching stage ) and relearning ( relearning stage ) abilities by changing the platform position , and the escape latency and average speed were compared .
The results show that time-averaged velocity and maximum velocity are up to 42.5m/s and 117m / s , respectively .
In order to examine the effect of flow field within the recirculation zone on flame structure , the characteristic velocity fields of methane / humid air flame in non-premixed combustion behind a disc bluff-body burner were experimentally studied by particle image velocimetry ( PIV ) .
It was discovered that two methods were identical in some points . There is no difference in average systolic velocity of CWDS and systolic slope of M-UCG , as well as systolic spectrum integral of CWDS and maximum displacement of M-UCG .
Others are more subtle ; like the average speed cameras .
Study of Link Average Speed Estimation Model Based on Probe Vehicle
The average rate of the attacking flow is very low .