
  • 网络double helix;DNA;double helix structure;double-helix structure;DNA double helix
  1. DNA双螺旋结构发现的启示

    Revelation from the Discovery of Double Helix Structure of DNA

  2. DNA双螺旋结构模型的发现是20世纪生命科学最伟大的成就。

    The discovery of the model of DNA double helix structure was considered to be a20th century life Sciences greatest achievements .

  3. 浅析DNA双螺旋结构发现的社会条件

    Analysis on the Social Conditions of Discovering the DNA Double Helical Structure

  4. 关于DNA双螺旋结构发现过程的再反思

    Approach to the Process of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA Double Helix

  5. 由DNA双螺旋结构的发现看科学发现的自组织

    The Ones That are Seen Scientific Discovery by DNA Double-stranded Discovery are Organized by Oneself

  6. DNA双螺旋结构的成因之争

    An Empirical Debate between the Conservative and the Radical What Made DNA A Double-Helix Structure

  7. DNA纤维的X射线衍射分析与双螺旋结构的发现

    X-ray diffraction analysis of DNA fibre and the discovery of DNA double helies structure

  8. 访DNA双螺旋结构的诞生地

    Interview to the birthplace of DNA

  9. 即DNA双螺旋结构,它有着超过三十亿个碱基,从开始到结束。

    the DNA double helix , that has over three billion letters , beginning to end .

  10. 他和别人共同发现了DNA的双螺旋结构,揭示了科学家和企业家身上具有相同的密码。

    He codiscovered DNA 's double helix , revealing the code of life to scientists and entrepreneurs alike .

  11. 在这个距离上,DNA看起来像一条长长的扭曲的的分子梯,也就是双螺旋结构。

    In this close-up the DNA is seen as a long twisted molecular ladder , the double helix .

  12. 大量的研究表明,在DNA双螺旋结构中基对的堆积为电荷的转移提供了有效的通道。

    It was demonstrated that the base pair stack within double helical DNA provides an effective medium for charge transfer .

  13. 脱氧核糖核酸(简称DNA)是生物体内的一种具有双螺旋结构的遗传物质。

    Deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA for short ) is a kind of germ plasm with the structure of double helix .

  14. 得到了石墨表面清晰的原子分辩图象以及猪脾DNA分子双螺旋结构的STM形貌图。

    Clear atomic images of graphite surface and the DNA structure were obtained .

  15. DNA的双螺旋结构还使得分子具有准确复制其本身所包含的信息的能力。

    DNA 's double-helix architecture also endows the molecule with the ability to make precise copies of the information it contains .

  16. 本文对双螺旋结构发现50周年庆典活动以及DNA研究可能和数字人体研究的关系作了评述。

    The paper reviews DNA 50 memorial activities and events in the world and predicts possible relation between DNA and Digital Human Project .

  17. 自从克拉克和沃森发现了DNA的双螺旋结构,基因的本质开始揭开其神秘面纱。

    Since Clark and Watson discovered the double helix structure of DNA , the nature of the gene had began to unravel its mystery .

  18. 人们发现DNA作为基因的一部分,为双螺旋结构,携带所有生物型板的编码。

    DNA , as a part of genes , was discovered to be a double helix that encodes the blueprints for all living things .

  19. DNA双螺旋结构模型的建立,是生命科学史上的奇迹和里程碑,具有划时代的意义。

    The foundation of DNA double spiral structure model is the miracle and milestone in the history of life science . It has epoch-making significance .

  20. DNA分子生物技术,这是一个最新发展起来的以模拟分子生物DNA的双螺旋结构和碱基互补配对规律进行信息编码的方法和技术。

    DNA molecular biology technique is a method occurring recently to encode information by simulating the double helix structure of DNA and the Watson-Crick complementary condition .

  21. DNA是地球上所有生命的基础,它有着像螺旋式楼梯一样的双螺旋结构。

    DNA is the basis of all life on earth . It has a double helix GetWord (" helix "); structure , like a spiral staircase . / /

  22. 排在榜单三甲位置的发明都是医学领域的重大发明或发现。紧随X光机之后的是盘尼西林(青霉素)的发明,以及DNA双螺旋结构的发现。

    The first three positions were filled by medical inventions or discoveries , the X-ray machine being followed by the discoveries of penicillin and the DNA double helix structure .

  23. 里奇经过了很多年很多年的试错才终于通过X射线晶体学的手段,证实了克里克和沃森研究发现的双螺旋结构是正确的。

    It took many years of trial and error before Rich proved , through X-ray crystallography , that the Crick and Watson double helix structure was correct .

  24. 构成企业“基因”的“DNA双螺旋结构”的双链是资本链(Capital链)与劳动力链(Labor链)。连接双链的四个要素是企业家、企业机制、技术与文化。

    The double - spin structure of DNA is made up of labor chain and capital chain , which are connected by four factors : enterprise , mechanism , technology and culture .

  25. 从远处看,这些基本成分看上去极为相似,因此DNA的每一部分的基本形状都是相同的&著名的沃森克里克双螺旋结构。

    From a distance , these building blocks look very similar , so every piece of DNA you look at has the same overall shape & the famous Watson-Crick Double Helix .

  26. 正如没有DNA双螺旋结构的发现,就没有遗传传达传递的中心法则,也就没有今天的分子生物学。

    Just like does not have the DNA double helix structure discovery , has not inherited the transmission transmission the central dogma , also does not have today 's molecular biology .

  27. 这表示棉酚很可能以共轭平面平行地插入到DNA分子双螺旋结构的碱基片层之间,与其中的胸腺嘧啶碱基以弱相互作用的极性键形成复合物。

    It is probably that the conjugated plane of gossypol is inserted into the base pair pleated sheet of the DNA double helical structure to associate with thymine through weak polar bond .

  28. NDA分子双螺旋结构的扫描隧道显微镜(STM)观测

    Observation of the DNA Structures with The Scanning Tunneling Microscope

  29. 1953年Watson&Crick对于DNA双螺旋结构模型的提出及对其遗传机理的解释,标志着现代分子生物学的诞生。

    Since Watson & Crick put forward the double-helix model of DNA structure and hereditary mechanism in 1953 , it is generally accepted that this event marks the birth of modern molecular biology .

  30. 1953年,弗朗西斯·克里克(FrancisCrick)和詹姆斯·沃森(JamesWatson)在《自然》杂志(Nature)上发表了一篇短文,展示了DNA的双螺旋结构。

    In 1953 , Francis Crick and James Watson published a short paper in the journal Nature setting out the double-helix structure of DNA .