
shuāng yú zuò
  • Pisces
双鱼座[shuāng yú zuò]
  1. 它们在属于你的太阳第十二宫(solartwelfthhouse)相遇,双鱼座星图上的特别区域。

    Jupiter and Neptune will meet in your solar twelfth house , the very area of your chart that Pisces governs .

  2. Beth说她的金星Venus落在了双鱼座,所以她是一个非常浪漫的人。

    Beth : It says that my Venus is in Pisces , so I 'm a very romantic person .

  3. 双鱼座Pisces我家金鱼说不喜欢你,所以我们就分手吧。(太无厘头了)

    My goldfish said she dislikes you , so let 's break up .

  4. Pisces,双鱼座,在拉丁文里面是”鱼”的复数形式。

    Then there is the Pisces the fish . Actually , it 's from the Latin for " fish " .

  5. 这次新月会落在双子座的最前几度,天王星会落在双鱼座的最后几度,这被星相学家称为这两个行星的“out-ofsign”相位。

    This new moon will fall in very early degrees of Gemini , and Uranus is in very late degrees of Pisces , so there will be what astrologers call an out-of-sign cooperation between these two planets .

  6. 是啊,玛丽告诉过我他是双鱼座的。

    Yes , Mary once told me he 's a Pisces .

  7. 双鱼座巴西、佛罗里达、摩洛哥、巴基斯坦、华盛顿

    Brazil , Florida , Morocco , Pakistan , Washington , D.C.

  8. 双鱼座(2.20-3.20)好!让我们试着成为世上最幸运的一对。(比较“西式”)

    Let us try to be the luckiest couple on earth 。

  9. 双鱼座的人被认为直觉敏锐。

    People born under piscesare supposed to be very intuitive .

  10. 双子座和双鱼座不稳定经常会破坏你们的关系。

    GEMINI & PISCES : Insecurity usually ruins this relationship .

  11. 双鱼座是所有星座中最灵活的。

    Pisces is the most flexible of the star signs .

  12. 双鱼座:本周双鱼会发现遇到新朋友会很容易。

    You 'll find it easy to meet new people .

  13. 作者:你不会是双鱼座的吧?

    Author : you will not be soft , huh ?

  14. 处在双鱼座的木星将会使这一过程更轻松些。

    Jupiter in Pisces will make the whole process easier .

  15. 隐藏的力量在双鱼座的规则,在幕后工作。

    Pisces rules over the hidden forces that work behind the scenes .

  16. 双鱼座会种下一棵以爱人名字命名的树。

    Pisces plants a tree in the name of their dear ones .

  17. 天王星在双鱼座的偏移同样预示着灵性。

    Uranus in Pisces leans toward the spiritual as well .

  18. 相互循环以白羊座为始,以双鱼座为终。

    Aries starts the mathematical cycle whereas Pisces ends it .

  19. 星期六的时候,当金星进驻双鱼座的时候,你的直觉会飙升。

    Your intuition will soar when your ruler Venus enters Pisces on Sunday .

  20. 双鱼座希望能单独和火鸡过感恩节。

    Pisces wants to be one with the turkey .

  21. 由于2010年开始,天王星在双鱼座仍是和你的第12宫。

    As2010 begins , Uranus is still in Pisces and your twelfth house .

  22. 我有双鱼座的人的大部分特征。

    I have most of the typical Piscean traits .

  23. 双鱼座在今后的六周是最忙的星座之一。

    Your sign is one of the busiest during the next six weeks .

  24. 双鱼座:你会为别人发来的信号感到困惑。

    You will be confused by the signals that someone is sending you .

  25. 是的,她是双鱼座,对吗?

    Yeah , she 's a Pisces , right ?

  26. 毕竟,双鱼座是十二星座中最有风度的。

    After all , what sign has more grace and style than you ?

  27. 尽量不要急躁今天,双鱼座。

    Try not to be impatient today , Pisces .

  28. 双鱼座的人很注意他们自己的感受。

    Pisces people pay attention to how they feel .

  29. 许多双鱼座很有艺术天赋,喜爱画画、音乐和表演。

    Many Pisces are artistic and enjoy painting , music , and acting .

  30. 双鱼座&双鱼座女性的男性意向是诗人、救世主以及完美的灵魂伴侣。

    Pisces This animus is a poet , savior and consummate soul mate .