
shuǐ pínɡ zuò
  • Constellation of Aquarius
  1. 整体医疗、有机农业和艺术表演就是爱打破常规的水瓶座人喜欢的行业

    Holistic medicine , organic farming or performance art are the sorts of fields these iconoclasts enjoy .

  2. 斯坦利·库布里克(StanleyKubrick)的《2001太空漫游》(2001:ASpaceOdyssey)把阿波罗时代对技术的敬畏与水瓶座时代迷幻剂影响下的希望与恐惧混合在一起。

    Stanley Kubrick 's " 2001 : A Space Odyssey " blended the technological awe of the Apollo era with the trippy hopes and terrors of the Age of Aquarius .

  3. aqua是水的意思,水瓶座有时很害羞,但是有时也会很喧闹很精力充沛,他们喜欢帮助那些需要帮助的人。

    Well , aqua means water . Sometimes Aquarians are shy , but on the other hand , they can also be boisterous and energetic . They love to lend a helping hand to those in need .

  4. 多数水瓶座的人宁愿死也不做朝九晚五的上班族。

    Most Aquarians would rather die than do the nine-to-five gig .

  5. 当雪花飘落,退内,亲爱的水瓶座。

    As the snowflakes fall , retreat inside , dear Aquarius .

  6. 水瓶座位居第二是因为他们从不觉得伴侣关系有什么让人开心之处,对他们来说,伴侣关系能导致幽闭恐怖症。

    Aquarius is next since they are never happy about partnerships .

  7. 射手座和水瓶座:喜欢刺激,热爱旅游和户外运动的你俩是再合适不过的一对了。

    You both love adventure , travel and the great outdoors .

  8. 【英文原文】光明的一面水瓶座的人活泼且富于创造性。

    THE BRIGHT SIDE Aquarians are lively , inventive and original .

  9. 水瓶座的人有两项主要特质。

    There are two main things to know about Aquarians .

  10. 基本上,水瓶座的人担心太过亲密的关系会让自己失去独立性。

    Basically , Aquarians are afraid that relationships will compromise their independence .

  11. 你是水瓶座?你的教派是哪一个?

    You 're aquarian ? And what is your persuasion ?

  12. 水瓶座:以水瓶座的名字命名的慈善捐赠会让她们非常开心。

    AQUARIUS : A charity donation made in their name .

  13. 水瓶座的感恩节美食全部取材于豆制品。

    Aquarius makes a meal entirely out of soy products .

  14. 水瓶座的人对待生活的态度和解决问题的办法有着不同的观点。

    Aquarians have different ways of looking at life and solving problems .

  15. 整体运势:2007年理想主义的水瓶座很是光彩照人。

    OVERVIEW : This year , idealistic Aquarius shines brightly .

  16. 氯化钠对水瓶座有着重要的影响。

    Aquarius 's cell salt is sodium chloride-common table salt .

  17. 水瓶座的人对于下命令和指挥人做事都会显得犹豫不决。

    Aquarians are hesitant about giving orders and directing people .

  18. 水瓶座的名言:没有破坏就没有建树。

    Aquarius saying : no destruction does not builds .

  19. 如果土星位于水瓶座,盘主会很讨厌女性。

    If Saturn be in Aquarius , he will be a mere woman-hater .

  20. 这一年,将会是水瓶座热情奔放的一年。

    Passion will be your war-horse , this year .

  21. 冬天生辰在水瓶座的人,内心像寒冬一样冰冷。

    A day in the life of an Aquarius .

  22. 水瓶座具有令人吃惊的智慧和沟通能力。

    This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill .

  23. 这恐怕是他的太阳星座-水瓶座略带成熟、理想

    This young man in a hurry is an Aquarius

  24. 太阳远离水瓶座,所以你需要更多的睡眠。

    You need more sleep with the Sun so far from your sign .

  25. 水瓶座的人非常渴望物质却不贪婪。

    An Aquarian has great desire for material , but is not greedy .

  26. 水瓶座水瓶座女性天生叛逆&不论有没有缘由。

    Aquarius This is the rebel with ( or without ) a cause .

  27. 在任何情况下,大多数水瓶座往往有坚强的意志。

    In any case , most Aquarians tend to have a strong will .

  28. 水瓶座是风向星座和火象很相配。

    Aquarius is an air sign that blends really well with your fire element .

  29. 水瓶座的守护星是土星和天王星。

    Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus .

  30. 水瓶座:不要吝惜赞美他人你的好友渴望得到你的肯定。

    Aquarius : bring on the compliments Your friends love to get your approval .