
tiān chènɡ zuò
  • Libra
  1. 我们可以把AP看作是与白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座,有重要关系的点。

    Think of the AP as a0 degree cardinal cross involving Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  2. 和天秤座的人谈话,肯定会让你觉得很舒服。

    You are certain to feel comfortable talking to a libra .

  3. 天秤座:需要完成自己的需求并展示自己的才能。

    You need to fulfill your needs and present your talents .

  4. 此外,天秤座的人说话总是有礼貌,对人也公平。

    Libras also speak politely and always try to be fair .

  5. 出生在天秤座时段的人据说做事四平八稳。

    People born under Libra are supposed to be well balanced .

  6. 太完美了,我们都是天秤座。

    It 's just so perfect that we 're both Libras .

  7. 天秤座的人是优秀的法官,管理者,作家和社交家。

    Libras are good judges , managers , writers and social workers .

  8. 天秤座:注意自己的健康、心脏和钱袋。

    Take care of your health , your heart and your pocketbook .

  9. 假如你有问题,就去找天秤座的人帮忙。

    If you have a problem , ask a Libra for help .

  10. 天秤座:保留自己的意见,让行动说明一切。

    Keep your thoughts to yourself and let your actions take over .

  11. 天秤座,今天寻找寻找你问题的答案吧。

    Look for answers to your question today , Libra .

  12. 天秤座:肾、腰椎区、腰部到臀部

    Libra : kidneys , lumber region , haunches to buttocks

  13. 天秤座:小心那些想让你陷入不和的人。

    Look out for those wanting to push you into a disagreement .

  14. 虽然天秤座,土星的重点是我们的伙伴关系。

    While in Libra , Saturn focuses on our partnerships .

  15. 她的生日是十月十九日。她是天秤座。

    Her birthday is on 19 October . She is a Libra .

  16. 如果你的生日是在9月23日和10月22日之间,那么你的星座就是天秤座。

    Anyone born between September 23 and October 22 is a Libra .

  17. 天秤座的人对别人比对自己还关心。

    A Libra is usually more interested in other people than themselves .

  18. 天秤座外交规则,公平,公正,和调解了。

    Libra rules diplomacy , fairness , justice , and mediation too .

  19. 天秤座老板重视合作和好的工作关系。

    Further , Libra values cooperation and good working relationships .

  20. 天秤座,今天的情绪起伏可能会非常的剧烈。

    Today may have some crazy emotional ups and downs , Libra .

  21. 天秤座:一切都如你期待的那样快速运动着。

    Everything is moving quickly , just the way you like it .

  22. 天秤座和狮子座:这是一对好搭档,有着相似的生活方式。

    LIBRA & LEO : This is a good union , similar lifestyles .

  23. 嗨,我是乐蒂老师,天秤座女生。

    Hi ! I am Teacher Lovely and my star sign is Libra .

  24. 天蝎座的那部分则位于天秤座的东边。

    And it was part of Scorpius , located to Libra 's east .

  25. 天秤座:爱的语言带来充满热情的一周。

    Words of love will be what leads to a hot passionate week .

  26. 只不过你的消费习惯会让天秤座人有一点为难。

    Your spending habits are the only foreseeable dilemma .

  27. 总之,你有足够的庆祝,亲爱的天秤座!

    All in all , you have plenty to celebrate , dear Libra !

  28. 白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座。

    Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  29. 天秤座的人具有优雅的绅士风度,喜欢受人钦佩和赞扬。

    Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered .

  30. 处女座按照自己的原则过活而天秤座并非如此。

    Virgo lives according to her / his rules while Libra is absolutely different creature .