
  • 网络weather phenomenon;WEATHER PHENOMENA
  1. 三维GIS的天气现象模拟研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the Weather Phenomena Simulation in 3D GIS

  2. 以下那几种天气现象会令能见度下降?

    Which of the following weather phenomena will reduce the visibility ?

  3. 由于拉尼娜(lania)天气现象的影响,今年南美洲大豆产量大幅下降,尤其是在巴西和阿根廷。

    Production of the commodity is sharply down in South America , especially in Brazil and Argentina due to the La NIA weather phenomenon .

  4. 最终,他们放弃了尝试,这个无法得到解释的天气现象被称为“回响贝斯2暴雨”(dubstepstorm)——用一位研究者的话来说——“可真是一大‘低’啊。”

    Eventually , they give up , and the unexplained meteorological phenomenon is simply called a " dubstep storm , " because-in the words of one researcher - " It had one hell of a drop . "

  5. 1997~1998年厄尔尼诺与相关的天气现象之分析

    Analyzing 1997 - 1998 El Nino and the relative weather phenomenon

  6. 典型极端天气现象的遥感监测方法研究

    Study on Monitoring the Typical Extreme Weather Phenomenon by Remote Sensing

  7. 气候变化和极端天气现象更使情况雪上加霜。

    Climate change and extreme weather events will further complicate the picture .

  8. 对沙尘暴天气现象的原因进行了分析,并提出若干防治措施。

    It firstly analyses the weather phenomenon of sand _storm .

  9. 这些基本成分的正确搭配,能产生预计的天气现象,从而提供定点、定时、定量的预报。

    The accurate combination of basic ingredients can produce intending weather phenomenon .

  10. 沙尘暴是我国北方地区春季常见的一种灾害性风沙天气现象。

    The sandstorm is a kind of disastrous dusty wind weather phenomenon .

  11. 最近的几次抢劫案都有奇怪的天气现象。

    The recent robberies , they all happened during freak meteorological events .

  12. 洛阳机场中小尺度天气现象特征

    Weather Characteristic of Medium-small Scale in Luoyang Air Station

  13. 这种异常的天气现象就是逆温。

    This weather anomaly is known as an inversion .

  14. 这是历史上最棒的天气现象。

    This is the greatest weather phenomenon in history .

  15. 近来南方地区出现的极端天气现象恰恰反映出坏境问题的严峻性。

    The recent extreme weather in its southern regions reflect a serious environmental challenge .

  16. 云是一种重要的天气现象,也是一种重要的气候因子。

    Cloud is an important phenomenon , and an important factor that influence climate as well .

  17. 沙尘暴主要是春季发生的危害我国及东亚地区的灾害性天气现象。

    Sandstorm is the main weather that is harmful to the East Asian region including China .

  18. 雷电是伴随着强对流过程发生的一种灾害性天气现象。

    As a kind of disastrous weather phenomenon , Lightning is accompanied by severe convective weather processes .

  19. 幼儿对周围世界有着自己的认识,他们对各种天气现象更有着区别于成人的认识和理解。

    Children have their own understanding of the world around , especially different from adult in weather phenomena .

  20. 中尺度海气相互作用的天气现象如台风、入海气旋等在该区域活动频繁。

    The mesoscale air-sea interaction weather phenomenon such as typhoon , passing cyclone happens frequently on this area .

  21. 鱼鳞天是一种天气现象,经常出现在秋冬季节,预示着冷空气的到来。

    Mackerel sky is a kind of weather phenomenon which forecasts the upcoming cold air in autumn and winter .

  22. 城市化改变了局地的动力学和热力学特征,对降水天气现象必定有一定的影响。

    Urbanization has changed the local dynamics and thermodynamics features , which must have a certain effect on rainfall .

  23. 目前,模拟自然气象的技术大多数都是以各种天气现象的物理形成过程为基础,在对数学模型进行适当简化基础上通过计算机模拟显示出来。

    At present , the techniques of simulating weather phenomena is mainly physically-based , then appropriately simplify mathematics models .

  24. 旱涝和降水异常天气现象发生的概率增大;

    The probability of the extreme weather events , such as the drought or flood and precipitation anomalies increased .

  25. 结果表明:中国北方沙尘暴天气现象与蒙古气旋有着密切的关系。

    The results show : there is good relationship between Mongolian cyclone and dust storms over Northern China in spring .

  26. 沙尘暴是我国冬春季节常发生的一种灾害性天气现象,对其作深入研究有利于业务预报的进展。

    The dust storm is a disaster weather phenomenon which often occurs in spring and winter in north of China .

  27. 沙漠地区主要天气现象的前期特征比较明显,但其表现过程比较短促。

    In sandy areas , the main weather phenomenons in earlier stage were obvious , but the courses were short .

  28. 雾作为一种灾害性天气现象正在受到越来越广泛的关注。

    Fog , as a disastrous weather and happens often in Hainan Island , fog gets more and more comprehensive attention .

  29. 近50年来天水市温度极值及相关天气现象对气候变化的响应

    The Response of Extreme Value of Temperature and its Correlative Weather Phenomenon to Climate Change in Tianshui in Recently 50 Years

  30. 位涡理论能非常有效地解释天气现象、预测天气系统的变化。

    The " potential vorticity thinking " is a very intelligent and useful way to explain and predict the synoptic variations .