
  • 网络atmospheric remote sensing
  1. 大气遥感与卫星气象学研究的进展与回顾

    An Overview on the Research Progress of Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Satellite Meteorology in China

  2. 大气遥感最小二乘反演法最优方程的建立和效果研究

    A study on the setting up of the optimum least square inversion equation for atmospheric remote sensing and effect assessment

  3. 单频光纤拉曼放大器(SF-FRA)可应用于激光导星和大气遥感领域,还可用于获取医学和激光显示用高功率密度可见光源。

    Single frequency fiber Raman amplifier ( SF-FRA ) shows great prospect in many applications , such as laser guide star , remote sensing , and high power density visible laser sources obtaining for medicine and laser display .

  4. 大气遥感探测系统&风廓线雷达

    Atmosphere Remote-Sensing Sounding System-Wind Profiler Radar

  5. 提出了一种电波折射误差修正的新方法,即用微波辐射计采用大气遥感的方法进行电波折射实时修正。

    A new method of radiowave refractive error correction is given , which adopts atmospheric remote sensing by microwave radiometer .

  6. 结果还表明,研制的多功能激光雷达系统可有效地提高激光雷达大气遥感能力。

    It has been shown that developed lidar could effectively improve the ability of lidar remote sensing of the atmosphere .

  7. 大气遥感作为大气科学中的重要基础与技术支柱,是20世纪60年代以来迅速发展的一门年轻学科。

    Atmospheric remote sensing is the technological basis and one of the fast developing disciplines in atmospheric sciences since the 1960s .

  8. 通过实例比较,说明本方法应用于大气遥感红外光谱数据的分类和识别时,是行之有效的。

    Experimental results show that this method is more effective than local search on identification and classfication of gas 's infrared remote sensing data .

  9. 大气遥感理论的发展为研究地球气候变化与大气环境提供了重要理论支持与技术手段。

    The development of theory in atmospheric remote sensing provides important theoretical support and technical means to study global climate change and atmospheric environment .

  10. 并阐述了遥感技术在大气遥感监测、水质遥感监测、生态环境遥感监测、城市热岛效应遥感监测等方面的基本原理、应用状况。

    Explained the basic principle and theories , applications of remote sensing technology in monitoring the atmosphere , water quality , ecological environmental , urban hot-island effect and rubbish .

  11. 临边成像光谱仪原理样机的成功研制,填补了国内空白,为下一步工程样机的研制和最终实现临边成像光谱探测新技术在我国空间大气遥感领域的应用奠定了技术基础。

    The successful development of the prototype fills up domestic blank , and provides technical foundations for development of engineering prototype and application of limb imaging spectral technique in space-based atmospheric remote sensing in our country in future .

  12. 激光的产生和应用使现代科学和技术发生了重大变革,出现了一些新的学科和交叉学科,促进了激光加工,激光通讯和激光大气遥感等技术的发展。

    Generation and application of laser beams have induced rapid development of modern science and technology , resulted in emerging some new disciplines and cross-disciplines , and promoted the development of laser material processing , optical communication and remote sensing in atmosphere .

  13. 微波辐射计在大气环境遥感测量中的应用研究

    Applying research on atmospheric environmental remote sensing measurements by microwave radiometers

  14. 激光大气主动遥感测量应用综述

    Application Summarization for Laser Active Remote Sensing Measurement of Atmosphere

  15. 本文系统而简要地评述了大气声遥感。

    The present article is a systematic brief review to acoustic remote sensing of atmosphere .

  16. 城市地区大气气溶胶遥感反演研究

    Remote Sensing of Aerosols over Urban Areas

  17. 利用气温垂直分布的统计特征讨论地面气温在大气温度遥感反演中的应用

    The application of the statistical characteristics of the vertical temperature distribution and surface air temperature for retrieving atmospheric temperature profiles from remote sensed data

  18. 研究了地面光辐射、地形、大气和遥感数据之间的定量关系,并以此为基础,研究了卫星遥感数字图像地面辐射改正的原理和方法。

    The quantitative relation among ground radiation , topography , atmo-sphere and remotely sensed data are also studied , and base on it , the principles and meth-ods about ground radiation correction of satellite remote sensing digital image are dis-cussed .

  19. 矿山大气污染的遥感研究

    Study on the Atmospheric Pollution in Mine Regions by Remote Sensing

  20. 冰雹灾害的大气重力波遥感预警系统

    The Atmospheric Gravity Waves Remote Sensing Early Warning System for Catastrophic Hailstorms

  21. 大气臭氧地基遥感反演的退卷积方法

    The deconvolution method of ground-based atmospheric ozone remote sensing

  22. 大气程辐射遥感影像与大气环境质量研究

    Air Path Radiation and Atmospheric Quality of ShangHai

  23. 大气影响是遥感定量化应用的主要障碍之一。

    Atmospheric effects is one of the main obstacle to the application of remote sensing .

  24. 大气对垂直遥感和大倾角遥感影响的主要差别之一体现于邻近象元的影响。

    One of the main difference between atmospheric effect on nadir and off-nadir observations is the adjacency effect .

  25. 作为一种有效的大气污染气体遥感探测识别手段,傅里叶变换红外光谱仪已经得到越来越广泛的应用。

    As an effective method for remotely detecting the hazardous gas pollutants in atmosphere , the Fourier Transform Infrared ( FTIR ) spectroscopy has been used wider and wider .

  26. 大气程辐射遥感图像是遥感图像中各点大气程辐射遥感值按顺序排列所形成的、与地面状况无关的、仅与大气状况有关的、无法在自然条件下直接获取的遥感图像。

    Atmospheric path radiation remote sensing images are based on values of atmospheric path radiation in remote sensing data dependent only on the state of atmosphere but not ground conditions .

  27. 基于黑暗像元和大气透过率的遥感图像校正

    Correction of remote-sensing image based on dark-object methods and atmospheric transmittance

  28. 大气湍流对天基遥感系统地面分辨率的影响

    Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence on Image Ground-Resolution of Space-Based Remote Sensing System

  29. 大气折射是造成遥感影像像点位移的原因之一。

    The atmospheric refraction is a main cause to remote sensing image distortion .

  30. 对腾格里沙漠4~9月份的整层大气气溶胶的光学遥感观测结果进行了分析。

    The optical remote sensing observation of the atmosphere aerosol over Tengger Desert from April to September are analyzed .