- 名atmospheric turbulence

Investigation of phase fluctuations by atmospheric turbulence for CO_2 laser homodyne communication system
Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence on the Laser Radar
Computation of Lyapunov exponent and fractal dimension by using atmospheric turbulent data
The G-tilt power spectrum and the residual variance of tilted tracking as functions of the outer scale of turbulence are deduced theoretically .
A transmission process of the laser propagation through atmospheric turbulence was simulated under the Matlab software environment with the phase-screen method .
The beam quality is studied by taking the zR and the M2-factor as the characteristic parameters of beam quality .
The phase screen was simulated and its graphical user interface ( GUI ) was created in the MATLAB software environment according to the theory of phase screen .
Using data which were measured from H S wavefront sensor of an AO system , power spectra density ( PSD ) was calculated and compared between open loop and close loop conditions .
In convective boundary layer , parameterization of atmospheric turbulence diffu ~ sion depends on W , scale of convective velocity and zi , height of mixing layer .
The image will be distorted when we take the objects picture with CCD at long range because of atmosphere turbulence . We cant availably recognize and monitor long distance object for this reason .
Slope measurement error of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor under realistic atmospheric trubulence with low-level-light beacon
In order to eliminate the influence of atmospheric turbulence in the course of detecting targets , a blind deconvolution image restoration algorithm based on APEX method was proposed .
There exist optimal values of spatial coherence length and diversity configuration for maximizing the average capacity of MIMO FSO links over a variety of atmospheric turbulence conditions .
The channel characteristics are analyzed , and then we choose the RS ( 255239 ) code . Aimed at the errors which caused by the atmospheric turbulence and the jitter of the optical platform .
By quantum mechanics conceptions we deduce fidelity of quantum channels , which is turbulent atmosphere in free-space QKD systems , of WCP states .
By utilizing the phase screen theory , the atmospheric turbulence is simulated . The method to simulate the Hartmann - Shack ( H-S ) wavefront sensor is discussed .
In this paper four simulation methods used to simulate the optical wavefront distorted by atmospheric turbulence are provided , including Karhunen-Loeve function based on Zernike polynomials , wavelets transform , Fourier transform and ARMA method .
However , in turbulence the beam quality of truncated laser beams with AMs and PFs may be better than that of truncated Gaussian beams if the zR is taken as the characteristic parameter of beam quality .
We presented parallel alignment liquid crystal ( LC ) devices for an application of Atmosphere Turbulence Simulator ( ATS ) . A novel ATS with a parallel alignment LC TFT was fabricated .
Considering the statistical weight factors of different Zernike model aberrations caused by atmospheric turbulence , and the different arrangements of mirror positioning , the optimization of the bimorph deformable mirror is analyzed .
A method of calculating the Greenwood frequency and the needed control bandwidth of the deformable mirror of an adaptive optical system from measured PSDs was discussed .
The paper firstly carries on the detailed introduction of the effects of atmospheric turbulence , the MIMO diversity and space-time coding , and then on the basis of some comparative analysis , it looks for technology widely used in free space optics .
The analytic expression for the wandering angular variance of the speckle formed by multiple beams focused on the target in the horizontal homogeneous atmosphere is given when the atmospheric turbulence is described with Kolmogorov spectrum .
The microthermal sensor is coupled to a meteorologic radiosonde ( 59 type ), which is able to transmit pressure , temperature , humidity , and refractive index structure constant each 30 m height interval .
In this paper , the effect of atomospheric turbulence on laser beam propagation between tops of the high-building and the hill behind our university campus at the distance of 1500m is discussed .
First the structure of transmitter and receiver also the work process are introduced , then the key technologies ( ATP technique , vibration isolated technique , and the technique overcoming atmosphere turbulence ) are expatiated and the solution projects of the key techniques are put forward .
The results show that in the urban surface - layer , the turbulent behaviour is nearly consistent with the laws of local isotropy in the inertial subrange , the velocity spectra conform to Kolmogorov 's similarity theory .
The channels that quanta ( eg. photons ) passing through are called quantum channels in QKD systems . Turbulent atmosphere ( so called free space ), fiber , and vacuum are the physical realizations of quantum channels .
A micro-computer controlled turbulence data acquisition and processing system has been developed for the Program on Atmosphere-Land Surface Processes in Heihe River Basin ( HEIFE ) .
Based on the data of atmospheric turbulence observed over Nansha Islands sea area , aerodynamic roughness length ( z 0 ) and neutral drag coefficient ( C DN ) are calculated .