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  • 网络datong city
  1. 基于GIS的大同市土地利用景观格局研究

    Study on Characteristics of Land-use Landscape Pattern in Datong City Based on GIS

  2. 大同市空气中NOX的污染分析及治理

    The Analysis on and Control of NO_X Pollution in the Air of Datong City

  3. 大同市C型肉毒毒素草地灭鼠效果观察

    Efficiency of Type-C Botulin in Killing Wild Rodent on the Grassland in Datong

  4. GPS在大同市工程测量中的应用方法

    Using Method of GPS in Datong Engineering Surveying

  5. 目的用浓度分别为0.10%、0.15%、0.20%的C型肉毒毒素对大同市草地害鼠进行杀灭试验,以确定草地灭鼠应用的最佳浓度。

    Objective To acquire the optimum concentration of Type-C botulin used in killing wild rodent on the grassland in Datong city .

  6. 大同市成年女性HPV感染及基因型分析

    Prevalence and type distribution of human papillomavirus infection in women of Datong , China

  7. 初探绿色GDP核算方法及实证分析&以山西省大同市为例

    An Elementary Discussion and Analysis of Green GDP Calculation Methods & A Case Study of Datong City in Shanxi Province

  8. 应用MBR处理大同市煤矿地区废水初探

    Exploration of Sewage Treatment in the Coal - Mining Area of Datong

  9. 结果表明:2002年大同市的自然资源损耗为63.86亿元,占GDP的29.29%;

    The results show : In 2002 , natural resource loss is 6386 million yuan , or 29.29 % of GDP ;

  10. 阐述了应用MBR处理大同市煤矿地区废水的方法。

    The paper reviewed the sewage treatment in the coal-mining area of Datong by applying MBR .

  11. 目的调查山西省大同市成年女性人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染及亚型分布情况。

    Objective To survey the prevalence and type distribution of human papillomavirus ( HPV ) infection in women of Datong .

  12. 大同市郊区2.5Gbit/sSDH环网工程建设方案

    The Construction Project of 2.5Gbit/s SDH Loop Network for DaTong 's Suburbs

  13. 大同市是以煤炭资源的开采、加工和利用为主的资源型城市,再加之不利的地形和气象条件,形成比较严重的结构型大气污染,特别是市区SO2污染十分突出。

    Serious air pollution especially SO_ ( 2 ) pollution was predominant in Datong City , Shanxi Province due to its exploiting , processing and utilization of coal as well as unfavourable geographical and meteorological conditions .

  14. 以大同市集中供热管线工程为例,论述GPS定位技术、数字测图在城市测绘中应用的成功实践,分析介绍新测绘技术的应用方法及优越性。

    Taking the central heating pipeline project in Datong city as an example , the article expounds the successful application of GPS ( Global Positioning System ) and digital mapping in city surveying and mapping , and introduces the superiority of this new surveying and mapping technology .

  15. 近年来,大同市在区域构造应力作用下,已产生9条地裂缝,总长308km,其展布为NESW或NEESWW方向。

    Recently , 9 ground fissures have occurred in Datong City with 30.8 ! km length altogether . The ground fissures spread out in the direction of NE-SW or NEE-SWW .

  16. 介绍大同市焦煤矿一号轨道暗斜井主提升设备JBT1600/1224型防爆提升绞车的改进。

    The improvement of JBT1600 / 1224 type flameproof mine winder is introduced which is the main winning arrangement serving the Daton City Coking Coal Mine 1 # track hidden inclined shaft .

  17. 构建大同市文献信息资源服务平台的思考

    Thinking about Constructing the Information Resource Sharing Platform in Datong City

  18. 山西省大同市部分大学生体育课外活动态度的调查研究

    The Investigation on the Extracurricular Activities Attitude of Some College Students

  19. 大同市主城区停车问题与对策研究

    Study of the Parking Problems in Inner Area of Datong City

  20. 制约大同市经济发展的瓶颈及对策

    The Solution to the Economic Development Bottle - Neck of Datong

  21. 大同市春小麦套种玉米的立体种植试验

    Experiment on Interplanting of Maize and Spring Wheat in Datong City

  22. 大同市饮料厂天然矿泉水水质评价

    Quality Assessment of Potable Natural Mineral Water of Datong Beverage Plant

  23. 大同市是我国最重要的煤炭型矿业城市。

    Datong is the most important coal mining city of China .

  24. 山西大同市地裂缝的分布特征及其发展趋势

    Distribution Characteristics of Ground Fissure in Datong and Its Development Trend

  25. 大同市固体废物堆放对地质环境影响的分析

    Analyzing influence on geological environment by solid waste piles in Datong City

  26. 大同市十里河橡胶坝工程的施工管理

    Construction Management of Rubber Dam Project Across Shili River in Datong City

  27. 大同市七水厂加氯间设计

    Design of Chlorinating Room of the Seventh Water Plant of Datong City

  28. 对深化大同市水务管理体制改革问题的探讨

    Discussion On Deepening System Reform of Water Management Affairs in Datong City

  29. 大同市水资源开发利用存在的问题与可持续利用的思考

    Reflection on Datong City 's Water Resources Exploitation Problem and Sustainable Utilization

  30. 1996~2006年山西省大同市艾滋病流行形势分析

    Analysis on AIDS prevelence in Datong City of Shanxi Province in 1996-2006