
  • 网络Atmospheric electricity;Atmosphere electricity
  1. 太阳活动和大气电学。

    The solar activity and the atmospheric electricity .

  2. 我所的大气电学研究工作

    Research on atmospheric electricity in our institute

  3. 电学研究刚一开始,富兰克林就于1752年在雷暴云中进行了危险的风筝试验,从而奠定了大气电学的基础。

    The study of electricity had hardly begun when Franklin , in1752 , conducted his dangerous kite experiment in a thunderstorm , founding the science of atmospheric electricity .

  4. 大气电学是研究电离层以下的大气中所发生的各种电学现象及其生成和相互作用的物理过程的学科,是大气物理学的一个重要分支。

    Atmospheric electricity is a subject to study the various electrical phenomena and their generation and interaction of the physical processes that occur in the atmosphere below the ionosphere , which is an important branch of atmospheric physics .

  5. 该文论述了大气电学在天气气候学研究中的渗透,并根据实测资料的对比分析,讨论了晴天大气电过程、雷暴和闪电与天气气候过程之间的相关性和可能的耦合机制。

    This paper reviews research progress on the atmospheric electricity relative to the weather and climate phenomena . By contrast with measuring data , the correlation and probable coupling mechanism among fair weather electric processes , thunderstorm , lightning and the weather , climate are discussed .

  6. 近地面大气电场在晴天电学、雷暴电学和闪电监测等研究中具有重要意义,是大气电学的基本参数。

    The atmospheric electric field is an important parameter in the researches of fair-weather and thunderstorm-weather electricity , lightning monitoring and forecasting , and it is also a basic parameter in atmospheric electricity .