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dà shǔ
  • Major Heat
大暑 [dà shǔ]
  • [Great heat] 农历二十四节气之一,每年7月23日前后,我国大部分地区这时候最热

大暑[dà shǔ]
  1. 研制了模块化可程控增益小信号放大器,完成压力、温度、位移的信号调理,可程控功能起到了提高数据转化精度的目的,模块化使放大暑的组建和使用方便灵活。

    We developed a modularized programmable gain amplifier , which can adjust the pressure , temperature , and displacement signals .

  2. 小暑、大暑表示天气炎热的程度,大暑是一年中最热的时候。

    The Slight Heat and Great Heat indicate the full onset of summer , with the Great Heat being the hottest day of the year

  3. 历代鹦鹉、荷花、扇、霖雨、大暑五类赋中,都有不少代表性的作品。

    Five kinds of Fu , i.e. on parrots , lotus , fans , timely rainfalls and Da Shu , were representative of these different periods of time .