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qīng míng
  • Qingming;Ching Ming;Clear and Bright;Pure Brightness;sober and calm
清明 [qīng míng]
  • [Ching Ming] 中国的二十四节气之一,在4月4、5或6日。在节日里人们扫墓和向死者供献特别祭品

清明[qīng míng]
  1. 《清明上河图》的艺术特色与历史文献价值

    Artistic Characteristics and Historical Values of Clear and Bright Upper River Picture

  2. 因此,自古以来,我国就有清明植树的习惯。

    Therefore , since ancient times , our country there is clear and bright tree-planting habits .

  3. 他祈求在这混乱的世界里仍能保持头脑清明。

    He pleads for sanity in a lunatic world .

  4. 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。(杜牧《清明》)

    The rain falls thick and fast on all souls'day , | the men and women sadly move along the way .

  5. adj.神志清明的反:crazy法官判决此人神志清楚,因此他必须对他的行为负责。

    The court judged the man sane and therefore responsible for his acts .

  6. 他补充说,海葬还有助于避免在祭拜先人的传统节日清明节(TomeSweepingDay)时的交通拥堵。

    Water burials also help prevent traffic jams during Tomb Sweeping Day , the traditional festival for visiting the dead , he added .

  7. YBSX含药血清明显升高HL-60细胞NBT还原率和α-NAE阳性细胞数,增强ACP活性(P<0.01);降低细胞内3H-TdR和3H-Leu掺入量。

    Drug-containing serum elevated NBT reduction rate , positive cell rate of α - NAE , ACP activity and reduced the incorporation rate of ~ 3H-TdR and ~ 3H-leucine markedly in HL-60 cells .

  8. 今年清明节适逢周末,成百上千万人来到墓地陵园,用烧纸钱、献祭品,送纸糊的iPhone和塑料花篮的方式表达哀思。

    Over the Qing Ming holiday weekend , millions of people flocked to the nation 's cemeteries to burn paper money , arrange dishes of food and deliver trinkets ranging from faux iPhones to plastic flower boas as a way to express their devotion to the departed .

  9. 清明节,用户们涌向这家网站,敬献成千上万的虚拟祭品,这些祭品从GIF格式的白荷花、到身穿白衣的鼓手、再到逝者生前最喜欢的食物,可谓应有尽有。

    For Qing Ming , users flooded the site with tens of thousands of virtual tributes , spanning everything from GIFs of animated white lotuses to drummers dressed in white or pictures of departed ones ' favorite foods .

  10. 结果表明:大蓟、加拿大飞蓬和清明菜体内可溶性蛋白含量及组分明显变化,在胁迫24-48h时出现分子量约60kD的干旱诱导蛋白;

    The results showed that the soluble protein contents and components in Cirsium souliei , Erigeron annuus and Herba gnaphalii Affinis changed apparently under the drought stress , drought induced protein with molecular weight of about 60 kD was found in the 24-48h stress period .

  11. 随着时间的推移,寒食节被清明扫墓所代替了。

    Over time , Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day .

  12. 这是表达政治清明时的欢乐;

    They express the joy of living under the wise rulers .

  13. 在清明节,我们除了“烧”还能做些什么呢?

    What do we have on Tomb-sweeping Day except " burning "?

  14. 清明节:4月4日到6日和4月7为工作日。

    Qingming Festival : April 4-6 with April 7 working day .

  15. 这是我国古代清明节习俗。

    This was the custom of the ancient Ching Ming Festival .

  16. 清明节可以追溯到春秋时代。

    Its origin dates back to the spring and autumn period .

  17. 理所当然,我也不会写有关清明的东西。

    Of course , I will not write the Qingming things .

  18. 清明小长假正是最好的观赏时节。

    Qingming Festival is the best time to admire the beauty .

  19. 保持你的心灵纯净、清明、积极且自由自在。

    Keep your mind clean , clear , positive and free .

  20. 《清明上河图》与广告传播

    Riverside Scene on the Qingming Day and the Media of Advertising

  21. 不是我,是风,是清明。

    It is not me , but the wind , Qingming .

  22. 清明节的时候,我们去为忠烈扫墓。

    In early April , we went to sweep the martyrs'graves .

  23. 清明上河图里面可以看到悲伤和幸福的结合。

    The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness .

  24. 放风筝也是庆祝清明节的一个重要环节。

    Kite flying is also an important part of the festival .

  25. 对上海人而言,青团是清明祭祖时必不可少的供品。

    As for Shanghai , green groups are very ancestor-worship clear offerings .

  26. 清明时节雨,四月芳菲尽。

    Ching Ming Festival , rain , April Fangfei do .

  27. 放风筝清明时节人们所喜爱的活动。

    People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival .

  28. “清明”在汉语里的意思是“清爽明亮”。

    Qingming in Chinese means " clear and bright " .

  29. 你的心灵是你最重要和珍贵的资产,你必须尽力保护,维持其纯净清明。

    Your mind is your most important and precious asset .

  30. 清明节,我们拜扫了烈士墓。

    On Tomb-sweeping Day , we paid our respects to revolutionary martyrs .