
  • 网络chiang mai initiative;CMI
  1. 因此亚洲开始重新启用《清迈协议》(chiangmaiinitiative),根据该协议,日本、中国、韩国和10个东南亚国家商定,一旦出现影响稳定的全球资本外流,这些国家将互相帮助。

    Hence moves to dust off the Chiang Mai Initiative , under which Japan , China , South Korea and 10 South-East Asian countries agreed to help each other out in the event of destabilising global capital outflows .

  2. 东亚基金将取代现有的双边货币互换机制“清迈协议”。

    The East Asian fund will replace an existing , mainly bilateral currency swap mechanism called the Chiang Mai Initiative .

  3. 但清迈协议表明,尽管短期内似乎有难度,但取得进展并不是不可能的。

    But Chiang Mai shows that progress is not impossible , even if it looks difficult in the short term .

  4. 随着《清迈协议》的签订,东亚货币一体化正式进入区域货币合作阶段。

    With the signing of " Qingmai Agreement ", the Eastern Asian currency integration has entered the stage of regional currency cooperation .

  5. 亚洲货币合作是在东南亚金融危机之后才开始起步的,“清迈协议”是迄今为止所达成的最重要的制度性成果。

    The Asian currency cooperation starts only after the Asian financial crisis , and the Chiang Mai Initiative is the most important agreement which has been reached .

  6. 文章的这一部分主要对东亚货币合作的主要进展和成果进行论述,主要从《清迈协议》、亚洲货币基金、亚洲债券市场三个方面展开。

    This part mainly discusses development and achievements of East Asian currency cooperation , mainly from the perspective of Chiang Mai Initiative , Asian currencies fund and Asia bond market .

  7. 审视现实,我们有必要记住,最初的清迈协议用了12年时间,才发展成为一个能够独立行动的多边组织。

    As a reality check , it is worth remembering that it took 12 years for the original Chiang Mai agreement to develop into a multilateral body capable of independent action .

  8. 1997年金融危机的爆发让东南亚国家将金融合作提上日程,并在东亚范围内建立了金融合作框架&清迈协议和亚洲债券基金。

    The 1997 financial crisis makes Southeast Asia countries put the financial cooperation in the agenda and established financial cooperation framework agreements in East Asia & Chiang Mai Initiative and Asian Bond Fund .

  9. 亚洲金融合作在清迈协议、历次政府首脑会议以及财长银行行长会议的框架下已经取得了初步成效,但期待进一步改进与完善。

    Progress has been made on it in Chiang Mai Treaty on Asian monetary cooperation and under the framework of the past conferences of state head , financial ministers and presidents of Central Banks .

  10. 清迈协议将设立1200亿美元的货币储备,该协议在历经数年讨论后,于昨日在东盟国家与日本、中国和韩国财长会议上正式达成。

    The Chiang Mai deal , a $ 120bn currency scheme that has been under discussion for years , was formally agreed yesterday by the Asean countries , meeting with the finance ministers of Japan , China and South Korea .

  11. 本文最后根据现阶段东亚金融合作的目标和任务,对清迈协议,亚洲债券市场以及区域内汇率协调的改革方向提出了一些看法。

    In the last part of the essay , some suggestions are proposed for CMI ( Chiang Mai Initiative ), ABMI ( The Asian Bond Markets Initiatives ) and regional exchange rate coordination according to the tasks of the current stage .

  12. 中国正拨出数百亿美元资金,投向基础设施等东盟项目以及清迈多边互换协议。

    And it is China that is making tens of billions of dollars available for ASEAN projects such as infrastructure initiatives and the Cheng Mai multilateral swaps agreement .