
  • 网络Settlement Risk;insolvency risk;Herstatt risk
  1. 由于CLS采用针对每个交易货币轧差清算进行实际支付的新方式,所以在一定程度上解决了现行清算方式本身所固有的清算风险问题。该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    As a new method that makes actual payment against position-balanced clearing of each transaction currency , it has , to some extent , solved the problem of settlement risk inherent to the current clearing scheme .

  2. 分析人士预测,政府将对债权人施加压力以拯救与美光公司的这笔交易,或者另辟蹊径,寻找别的买主,因为大选年进行清算风险太大,后果难以预料。

    Analysts predict that the government will put pressure on creditors to rescue a deal with Micron or seek a new buyer , as liquidation is too risky to contemplate in an election year .

  3. 人民银行DW中心支行支付清算操作风险管理研究

    Operational Risk Management Research of Payment and Clearing in DW Central Branch Bank of People 's Bank of China

  4. 目前,我国支付清算系统风险管理现状还不尽如人意,在法律法规建设、运行管理和系统建设等三个方面还存在不少问题。

    In china , there are many problems in the payment system risk management .

  5. 美联储、欧洲中央银行、花旗银行对支付清算系统风险管理进行了实践,他们的经验对我国具有较强的借鉴作用。

    The Federal Reserve Bank , The European Central Bank and City Bank have practiced on the payment system risk management .

  6. 该文对于中国银行支付清算业务风险管理的改进具有一定借鉴价值。

    In this paper , the Bank of China to pay for the liquidation of the business risk management to improve from a certain value .

  7. 正是信托投资机构的外部环境与内部管理两方面的原因,导致了信托机构经营中的巨大风险,广东国际信托投资公司的清算就是风险暴露的必然结果。

    Poor outside environments and inside management led to great risk in their operation , of which the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Trust Corporation is an example .

  8. 第2章主要解释了风险投资退出和风险投资退出决策的概念,论述了风险投资退出的重要性,并对IPO、出售和清算三种风险投资退出方式的含义和特点进行了比较分析。

    Chapter two mainly explains the definitions of venture capital exit and exit decision , and discusses the importance of venture capital exit , and compares the meanings and characteristics of three classic exit channels , that is , IPO , trade sales , liquidation or write-off .

  9. 我国支付清算系统的风险及其管理

    Payment System Risks and Management in China

  10. 我国的公开上市、兼并与收购、回购、清算四大风险投资退出方式,都有多方面可完善之处,在此部分,本文一一提出了自己的建议。

    There are many imperfections in our public listings , mergers and acquisitions , buy-back , clearing the four ways of venture capital . In this section , I give my own proposals one by one .

  11. 香港期货交易所清算系统是分级和分层次的,分层化的市场结构是保证期货市场正常运行的主要措施,按金和每日清算制度是风险处理制度的命脉。

    The market structure of administrative levels is the main measure to assure the normal operation of index futures market ;