
  1. 本文在第三部分研究了清算义务人违反义务所应承担的三种法律责任。

    Part 3 studies the three legal liabilities of liquidation obligors .

  2. 其次对清算义务人这一主体的权利与义务进行了探讨。

    Part 2 analyses the rights and duties of liquidation obligors .

  3. 第一章主要对清算义务人这一概念进行解析。

    Chapter I mainly analyze the concept of " Liquidation Obligors " .

  4. 作为清算义务人之一的股东,在公司解散时起负有组织清算的义务。

    Organizing the liquidation is the duty of the shareholders when the company is dismissed .

  5. 公司清算义务人研究

    COMPANY A Research on Corporation Liquidation Obligor

  6. 指明清算义务人的范围应包括公司董事、控股股东和实际控制人。

    The scope of liquidation obligor shall include the company directors , the controlling shareholders and actual controller .

  7. 侵权损害赔偿责任是清算义务人怠于履行清算义务而应承担的对债权人的民事赔偿责任。

    Tort liability is the civil compensation liability to the creditors when liquidation obligors avoid and delay organizing liquidation .

  8. 清算义务人的侵权责任具有实现特定司法政策的功能,处于辅助性的地位。

    Being in an affiliating status , tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy .

  9. 任何法律主体承担民事责任都应有一定的法理依据,清算义务人也不例外。

    As any civil liability burdened by the legal subject should have certain legal basis , the liquidation obligor is no exception .

  10. 清算义务人享有的权利有:清算人的选任和解任权、执行清算事务的监督权。

    The rights enjoyed by liquidation obligor include the right to elect or dismiss liquidator and the superintendence of executing the liquidation affairs .

  11. 清算义务人不履行清算义务,应当承担清算赔偿责任,而不是清算责任。

    Where liquidation obligor fails to perform obligations of liquidation , he shall be liable for damages of liquidation , rather than the liquidation responsibility .

  12. 清算义务人作为一法律主体,在享有权利的同时,必须履行其应尽的义务,否则就应承担相应的民事责任。

    Liquidation obligor , as a legal subject , must fulfill its obligations while enjoying its rights . Otherwise , it must bear corresponding civil liabilities .

  13. 比较了境外立法例,梳理了我国相关立法变迁,然后通过对清算义务人和清算人两个相近概念的比较,进一步明晰清算义务人的概念。

    Compared with the foreign legislation and the vicissitude of legislation in China , the author tries to distinct the concept of liquidation obligors and liquidator strictly .

  14. 规定清算义务人逾期不提起清算程序应承担的法律责任。

    , Fix the obligation of the laws of the compulsory person of settlement who should take the responsibility for not putting forward the settlement procedure in time .

  15. 作为公司清算义务人的股东对这一进程的顺利完成起着举足轻重的作用。

    But there are lots of omissions in our company law , especially the deficiency concerning of the shareholders civil liability in the non-bankrupt liquidation of the company .

  16. 清算义务人,是指基于其在公司中的特殊法律地位,在公司解散后,对公司负有特定义务的民事主体。

    Liquidation obligor is a civil subject , which will have specific obligations after the dissolution of a company , basing on its special legal status in the company .

  17. 该部分还通过分析清算义务人与解散后的公司、清算主体和清算人的关系进一步论述了清算义务人的法律地位。

    This part further discusses the legal status of liquidation obligor by analyzing the relationships between liquidation obligor and the company after dissolving , the subject of liquidation and liquidator .

  18. 因此必须用法律手段督促清算义务人主动清算,包括民事责任的追究和行政、刑事手段的采用。

    Therefore , legal means must be used to supervise the liquidation obligor to take the initiative in liquidation , including the means of accountability of civil liability and administrative and criminal measures .

  19. 然而该解释也存在诸多方面的不足,如未明确规定清算义务人的清算责任,无法进行清算的认定标准不明,损害赔偿责任的规定不够具体等。

    However , this interpretation also has shortages in many aspects , such as the vague definition of the liquidation responsibility of liquidation obligor , the unknown standards for not making the liquidation , and the unspecific provisions .

  20. 然后又构建了清算义务人的民事责任体系。此部分是清算义务人制度的主体部分,也是解决现实矛盾的关键。

    Secondly , the paper will establishes the civil liability of the corporation liquidation obligors , which is the most important part of the system of the corporation liquidation obligors . It is also the key to solve the problems .

  21. 均是从清算组的组成、职权等方面予以规定,对无视法律规定,拒不履行清算义务的责任人缺乏明确的制裁条款和责任条款。

    Both groups are from the liquidation of the composition , terms , etc. to be provided for the disregard of the law , refused to fulfill obligation people clearing the lack of clear responsibility for the terms and provisions of the sanctions .

  22. 而解散清算制度,无论是立法层面还是理论方面的研究都相对薄弱,尚有许多问题需要进一步的探讨,公司清算义务人的民事责任则是该制度的重要部分。

    But the study of the disbandment liquidation system is relatively weak both on the legislative level and the theoretical aspect , and there are still many issues needed to be further studied , in which the civil liability of the corporate liquidation obligor is an important part .