
  • 网络Liquidating Property
  1. 信托投资公司终止时,信托财产不属于其清算财产。

    When a TIC ceases operation , the entrusted property shall not be included in assets to be liquidated .

  2. 为了受影响的企业的利益而清算财产或保护财产的人(通常由法院指定)。

    A person ( usually appointed by a court of law ) who liquidates assets or preserves them for the benefit of affected parties .

  3. 用人单位解散、破产的,应当依法从其清算财产中优先支付患职业病的劳动者的补偿费用。

    Where an employing unit is dissolved or goes into bankruptcy , it shall make compensation for the workers who suffer from occupational diseases with priority from assets in liquidation according to law .

  4. 受托人死亡或者依法解散、被依法撤销、被宣告破产而终止,信托财产不属于其遗产或者清算财产。

    If the trustee dies or disbands or terminates as a result of being canceled or being declared bankrupt according to law , the trust property shall not be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property .

  5. 卡迪拉克是建立在亨利.福特汽车公司之上,当时亨利与几个伙伴离开了原来的公司.为了清算公司的财产,

    Cadillac was formed from the Henry Ford Company upon Henry Ford 's departure along with several partners .

  6. 清算后的财产,根据甲、乙双方投资比例进行分配。

    The liquidated assets shall be distributed in accordance with the proportion of investment contributed by Party A and Party B.

  7. 法律上的破产,是指处理经济破产时债务如何清偿的法律制度,即对丧失清偿能力的债务人,经法院审理与监督,强制清算其所有财产,公平清偿所有债权人的法律制度。

    Legal bankruptcy when dealing with economic bankruptcy debt settlement of the legal system , insolvent debtor by the court and supervision , forced to liquidate all of its property , fair settlement of the legal systems of all creditors .

  8. 然后,破产案件管理人清算破产人的财产,并将其转换成金钱分配给债权人。

    Then , the administrator in bankruptcy liquidates the property of the bankrupt , and converts it into money to distribute to the creditors .

  9. 清算组负责破产财产的保管、清理、估价、处理和分配。

    The liquidation team shall be responsible for the keeping , putting into order , appraisal , disposition and distribution of the bankruptcy property .

  10. 第三十七条清算组提出破产财产分配方案,经债权人会议讨论通过,报请人民法院裁定后执行。

    Article 37 . The distribution plan for the bankruptcy property shall be proposed by the liquidation team , adopted by the creditors meeting and submitted to the people 's court for judgment before implementation .

  11. 公司清算是指在公司解散之后,为最终消灭公司的法律人格,由清算主体对公司财产进行清理,终结公司法律关系的法律制度。

    Company liquidation refers to a legal system in which liquidators clean up property of company and end its legal relationships to eliminate legal personality of company eventually after its dissolution .