
qīng suàn
  • liquidation;clear;audit;settle accounts;square;expose and criticize
清算 [qīng suàn]
  • (1) [clear]∶彻底地查核、计算

  • 清算帐目

  • (2) [expose and criticize]∶列举全部罪恶或错误并做出相应的处理

  • 清算旧帐

清算[qīng suàn]
  1. 6月18日,中国央行指定中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBankco.)为伦敦的人民币业务清算行。

    On June 18 , the PBOC appointed China Construction Bank Co. , one of the country 's top-four state-owned banks , to clear yuan-related transactions in London .

  2. 新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)已预见到人民币在该国的使用范围将会扩大,并表示已做好了人民币计价证券的上市、交易、清算和结算的准备。

    The Singapore Exchange , anticipating wider use of the Chinese currency in the city-state , has said it stands ready to list , trade , clear and settle securities denominated in Renminbi .

  3. 法国的一家制药公司陷入资金周转问题,面临清算的危机。

    A French-based pharmaceuticals company ran into cash-flow problems and faced liquidation .

  4. 清算破产公司的资产值其实很困难。

    It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms ' assets

  5. 她早知道他们之间的休战持续不了多长时间。他们之间的账迟早要清算。还将会有一场争斗。

    She knew their truce would not last . There would be a reckoning . There would be another fight .

  6. 该法规定了公司合并、分立、破产、解散和清算的方式。

    The law stipulates modes for company merger , dismantlement , bankruptcy , dissolution and liquidation .

  7. 清算组织可以依法进行必要的民事活动。

    The liquidation commission may also engage in necessary activities of a civil nature according to the law .

  8. 第二百零一条人民法院可以组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织。

    Article 201 The people 's court may appoint a liquidation commission formed by relevant state organs and persons concerned .

  9. 法院指定了一个接管人以管理和清算破产公司的资产。债权人决定提起破产之诉。

    The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation . The creditors decided .

  10. 国际清算银行(bankforinternationalsettlements)最新的年度报告显然是在倡导高收入国家收紧货币和财政政策。

    In its latest annual report , the bank for International Settlements apparently argues for monetary and fiscal tightening in high income countries .

  11. 我们可以就企业未偿付债务余额(这些数据由国际清算银行记录)和世界银行(worldbank)公布的银行对企业的国内净贷款余额进行粗略但有指导意义的对比。

    A crude but instructive comparison can be made between the amount of corporate debt outstanding as documented by the BIS and world bank numbers for net domestic credit lent by banks to corporates .

  12. 介绍了包括车道设备子系统和后台清算子系统的电子不停车收费(ETC)系统的原理。

    This paper introduces the principle of the electronic toll collection ( ETC ) system including ETC land equipment sub system and fee clearing sub system of background operation .

  13. 电力工业的市场化改革突出了市场清算价格(MCP)预测的重要性。

    Reforms of power industry have made market clearing price ( MCP ) forecasting more important .

  14. CLS与我国商业银行外汇交易清算方式的变革

    CLS and the Reform of Settlement Method for Foreign Exchange Transactions by Our Commercial Banks

  15. 通过集中化清算降低银行的资本要求,有望使单一名称CDS更受欢迎,有助于改善更大范围内的信用市场的流动性。

    By reducing capital requirements for banks , via centralised clearing , the hope is that single-name CDS become popular , helping improve broader credit market liquidity .

  16. 他表示,如今的isda支持加强监管和采用清算平台。

    These days , he says that ISDA supports more regulation , and clearing platforms .

  17. CLS是近年来在全球范围内兴起的一种外汇交易清算方式。

    Continuous Linked Settlement ( CLS ) is a foreign exchange settlement method that has emerged in recent years around the world .

  18. 这样的声势来自香港市民,但也得到一些受人敬重的经济学家的支持,其中包括国际清算银行(bis)等国际组织的经济学家。

    That momentum comes from the people of Hong Kong , but it has support from respected economists , including some at multinational organisations such as the bank for international settlements .

  19. 最近,美国一些共和党众议员呼吁取消多德-弗兰克法案中给予FDIC破产清算授权的内容。

    Republicans in the house of representatives have recently begun an initiative to repeal the part of the Dodd-Frank law that gives the FDIC resolution authority .

  20. 在答复记者通过电子邮件提出的问题时,国际清算银行证实,其年报中披露的黄金储备价值下降,代表着客户将所持黄金提出BIS,转移至其它地方。

    In response to e-mailed questions , the BIS confirmed that the fall in the value of gold deposits disclosed in its annual report represented a shift in customer gold holdings away from the BIS .

  21. 比如,国际清算银行(BIS)估计,最大的20家全球性资产管理公司持有新兴市场的全部债券与股票的30%,这一比例两倍于10年前。

    In emerging markets , for example , the Bank for International Settlements estimates that the top 20 global asset managers hold 30 per cent of all bonds and equities – double the level a decade ago .

  22. 注意,在本例中,银行不返回实际支票,但是在支票通过清算系统之后在线提供JPG图像。

    Note that in this case , the bank does not return physical cheques but provides JPG images online after the cheques have been through the clearing system .

  23. 2001年大约价值4120亿挪威克郎(约550亿欧元)的电力合同在NP清算,总合同交易量为2769TW·h,是实际用电量的7倍之多。

    In 2001 , power contracts worth nearly NOK 412 billion , about 55 billion Euro , were cleared by Nord Pool , and the combined volume of contracts was 2 769 TW · h , that is more than seven times the physical consumption .

  24. 中国汽车企业在海外出击的先例也没什么亮点:上海汽车2004年收购的韩国双龙汽车(Ssangyong)目前正在进行破产清算。

    There is little positive precedent for Chinese automotive escapades overseas : South Korea 's Ssanyong , bought by Shanghai Automotive in2004 , is now in receivership .

  25. 介绍了人工神经网络在电力市场市场清算价预测上的应用,以及用模糊聚类(FCM)和人工神经网络(ANN)构造发电厂商最优报价策略的方法。

    The application of the Artificial Neural Network ( ANN ) to market clearing price forecasting is recommended , as well as the method of using the Fuzzy Clustering Method ( FCM ) and ANN to constitute the optimal bidding strategy for power suppliers .

  26. 原货币审计官约翰·杜根扮演联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的董事长,他表示即使是清算也有四种方式,一是完全清算,跟破产相差无几。

    John Dugan , a former comptroller of the currency , played the role of chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) and said resolution actually made four options possible .

  27. 第2章主要解释了风险投资退出和风险投资退出决策的概念,论述了风险投资退出的重要性,并对IPO、出售和清算三种风险投资退出方式的含义和特点进行了比较分析。

    Chapter two mainly explains the definitions of venture capital exit and exit decision , and discusses the importance of venture capital exit , and compares the meanings and characteristics of three classic exit channels , that is , IPO , trade sales , liquidation or write-off .

  28. 国际货币基金组织(imf)与这场危机无关;在中国和巴西等其它国家作为主要参与者的世界里,七国集团(g7)缺乏合法性;国际清算银行(bis)没有运作职能。

    The International Monetary Fund is irrelevant to this crisis , the group of seven leading industrial countries lacks legitimacy in a world where China , Brazil and others are big players , and the bank for international settlement has no operational role .

  29. 由于CLS采用针对每个交易货币轧差清算进行实际支付的新方式,所以在一定程度上解决了现行清算方式本身所固有的清算风险问题。该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    As a new method that makes actual payment against position-balanced clearing of each transaction currency , it has , to some extent , solved the problem of settlement risk inherent to the current clearing scheme .

  30. 亚洲铝业主席兼创办人邝汇珍(kwongwuichun)警告称,如果在本周三的关键截止日期之前,没有足够多的投资者接受要约,公司将面临清算。

    Asia Aluminum , controlled by Kwong Wui Chun , its founder chairman , has warned that it faces liquidation if insufficient numbers of investors do not take up the offer by a key deadline of this Wednesday .