
  • 网络Human Resources Change;Human Resource Reformation
  1. 论文最后还介绍了房地产企业组织结构的调整、信息化建设、企业文化塑造和人力资源变革等流程再造的并行工作。

    In the end , this paper discussed reengineering of organization structure , using IT , organizational culture and human resources in real estate enterprise .

  2. 最后提出在营销策略的实施过程中应有计划、有步骤地进行观念变革管理、流程变革管理和人力资源变革管理。

    At last , in order to fulfill the above marketing tactics , it is necessary to manage the change of intention , process and human resources step by step .

  3. 湖北石油迫切的人力资源变革诉求与石油企业人力资源管理现状之间形成了巨大的落差。

    The appeal for urgent reformation of management system of human resources is because of the current situation of human resource management in petroleum and chemical enterprises : the management objective is not clear and definite ;

  4. 在农村信用社人力资源变革急需崭新理论的动因下,本文的研究具有较强的现实意义,希望能对我国农村信用社的发展起到一定的帮助作用。

    In the urgent need of a new theory of change in human resources management of rural credit cooperatives , this research has a strong practical significance , and hope it is helpful for the development of rural credit cooperatives .

  5. 变革是创新的推动力,人力资源变革势在必行,由于变革过程中具有很强的独特性、时限性的特点,因此,我们在对企业人力资源管理变革时,可以把它当成一个项目来做。

    Change is the innovation driving force , human resources , it is imperative to change because of transformation of strong individuality , time limit sex characteristics , therefore , we in the human resources in enterprises management changes , can regard it as a project to do .

  6. E时代的人力资源管理变革研究

    Research for the Human Resource Management Replaces in the E-ages

  7. AYM公司战略转型期的人力资源管理变革

    HR Management Reform of AYM Company in Strategy Transformation

  8. 从流程规范到管理制度规范,从建立秩序到打破秩序,保持与企业发展速度同步的人力资源管理变革,这是JF人力资源管理者最迫在眉睫的工作。

    In order to maintain its competitive advantage the human resource management must be effected a transformation from the work flow to management rules , from old management model to new management system standard .

  9. 基于双因素激励理论的企业人力资源管理变革

    Enterprise Human Resources Management Transformation Based on Double Factor Drive Theory

  10. 新的竞争环境中的人力资源管理变革

    On the Change of Human Resource Management in the New Competitive Landscape

  11. 现代远程教育与企业人力资源培训变革

    Modern Distance Education and Enterprises Human Resource Training Reforms

  12. 论人力资源管理变革的方向&战略性人力资源管理

    On the developing direction of human resource management & strategic human resource management

  13. 柔性战略视角下中国公立医院的人力资源管理变革

    On Human Resources of China 's Public Hospitals in the Perspective of Soft Strategy

  14. 人力资源管理变革成为中小企业必行之路。

    Human Resources Management ( HR ) renovation becomes necessary for medium & small-size enterprises .

  15. 居安思危&顺境中的国企人力资源管理变革

    Think of Danger in Times of Safety & The Reform of Human Resources Management in State-owned Enterprise Under the Favourable Circumstance

  16. 在总结了风险的特点后,站在风险管理的角度进一步从技术、人力资源、变革及项目管理几个方面分析了造成风险发生的因素。

    From the aspects of risk management technology , human resources , change and project management , the thesis analyzes the driving factors of the occurrence of risk .

  17. 第四章指出了为保证内部营销导向的人力资源管理变革的成功实施,必须要构建一个切实的变革支持系统,包括观念、角色、人员及结构等方面。

    The fourth chapter suggests that in order to ensure the successful implementation of internal marketing oriented human resource management change , there must be a sound change support system , including concepts , roles , personnel and structure etc.

  18. 本文从一个新的视点出发,将先进的项目管理方法应用于企业的人力资源管理变革过程,并采用构建模式的方法使论点更加明晰,更具有实用性。

    This thesis is written from a new point that applying the advanced project management method to the change of human resource management . And the method of designing mode is adopted to make the issue more perspicuous and practical .

  19. 论文系统地分析了现代企业人力资源管理变革趋势、管理内容和职能体系,从职位管理、人力资源预测、招聘甄选和绩效管理体系四个方面分析了现代人力资源管理的方法和技术。

    Then , transformation trends , management contents and function systems of HRM are analyzed systematically . Modern management methods and technology are studied from four point of view , which are position management , HR forecast , recruitment and performance management .

  20. 为了削减成本、提高效率以及更好地为决策层服务,人力资源管理模式的变革势在必行。

    In order to reduce the cost , enhance the efficiency and serve well for the decision-making , human resources management pattern transformation is imperative .

  21. 本案例对有志于加强企业人力资源管理,勇于变革人力资源开发方式以加强企业文化从而提高企业核心竞争力的管理者有一定的借鉴意义。

    Thls case has reference meaning for those managers who will to strength human resource management and be brave in the reform heman resource development to buit corporate culture and improve the enterprise competence .

  22. 第四章从技术创新、人力资源管理与组织变革、资金筹措、企业文化建设、信息管理、市场营销、多元化经营等方面探讨如何实施企业发展战略。

    Supported by discuses of cost leadership strategy , differentiation strategy , technology innovation , human resources management and organization reforming , financing , organization culture , information management , diversified operation , and so on .

  23. 因此,对机场人力资源开发活动进行变革和创新,提高机场人力资源的质量,其最终目的也就是增强机场的安全性能,从而促进机场战略目标的实现。

    Therefore , the final goal of optimizing the human resource development activities of the airport and enhancing its human resource quality is to improve the airport 's safety performance and facilitate the realization of the airport 's strategic objectives .

  24. 在企业逐步向战略人力资源管理转型的变革进程中,更需要人力资源管理者结合实际拿出切实可行的措施推动改革,促进企业战略的实现,保进企业和员工共赢。

    In the reforming process , needs the human resources manager to work out feasible combination of practical measures to promote the reform , and promote the realization of strategic enterprise . So it can guarantees the enterprise and the staff win altogether .

  25. 在国有企业不断改革发展的进程中,人力资源管理对提升企业的竞争力发挥着重要的作用,探讨国有企业管理环境和人力资源管理的变革趋势;

    In the process of continuous reform and development , human resources management plays an important role to heighten competitive power for enterprises ;

  26. 未来人力资源管理研究将更多地关注组织能力建设、知识管理和员工成长,重视人力资源管理理念的变革。

    In the future , human resource management will pay more attention to the establishment of organizational competence , knowledge management , the career development of employees , and the changes of human resource management philosophies and values .

  27. 特别是在企业信息化建设进程中,如何有效地实施人力资源管理改革,并由此构建保障企业人力资源管理的运作机制,提升企业管理绩效,已成为现代企业人力资源管理变革的重要研究内容。

    Especially in the courses of enterprise informatization , it becomes a crucial aspect to implement the HRM renovation effectively and establish operation mechanisms to ensure the HRM and improve enterprise management performance .

  28. 第二章首先介绍了饭店人力资源管理的现状和趋势并对青岛市中高星级饭店的人力资源管理作了抽样调查分析,说明人力资源管理变革的必要性。

    The second chapter firstly analyses the actuality and trend of hotel human resource management . And explains the need of human resource management change according to spot check analysis the human resource management of Qingdao three-star hotels and above .

  29. 国内大量企业可以通过人力资源服务市场的逐步建立和完善,借助各种形式的虚拟管理来引进现代人力资源管理技术与方法,推动企业内人力资源管理的变革与创新。

    Chinese enterprise can push the innovation and reform of human resource management by applying virtual HR model , introducing the technique and method of modern human resource management .