
rén cái zhàn lüè
  • talent strategy
  1. WTO背景下中国汽车工业的人才战略设想

    Thinking of Talent Strategy in China Automotive Industry under WTO Background

  2. 目前前,传统培训已不能满足公司业务发展需要,面临日益激烈的市场竞争,人才战略成为X公司重要战略目标。

    The current traditional training system not meeting the business development needs . Meanwhile , facing with increasingly fierce market competition , talent strategy become an important strategic objectives .

  3. 加入WTO中国银行业的人才战略

    A talented strategy of Chinese banking after joining in WTO

  4. WTO与我市纺织服装行业人才战略

    WTO and Strategy on the Talent in Textile Clothing Industry of Our City

  5. 在中国加入WTO后,跨国公司大举进入中国市场,必将实施本土化的人才战略。

    China which has joint WTO will be carried out the " localization " talented strategy , when the multinational company enters the Chinese market distinctly .

  6. 在分析了武汉软件外包产业的发展现状的基础上,结合SWOT分析方法提出了阶梯战略,产业链战略、人才战略、品牌战略。

    Based on the analysis of the software outsourcing industry in wuhan , the thesis combines the SWOT method to put forward Step Development Strategy , Industrial Chain Strategy , Human Resource Strategy , Brand strategy .

  7. 本文提出了营销战略的3F模型,从企业发展战略、企业人才战略和企业信息化的角度来研究TCL公司的营销战略,并详细阐述了这三者与营销战略间的密切联系;

    This paper points out " 3 F Model " about marketing strategy , and researches TCL Company 's marketing strategy from enterprise development strategy , enterprise human strategy and enterprise information , also explains the relation about that three facts in detail .

  8. 2004家具企业人才战略论坛概述

    Summary of 2004 Forums on Personnel Tactics of in Furniture Industry

  9. 谈高校的人才战略与创新教育

    On Strategies of the Talents and Innovation Education in the Universities

  10. 西部地区人才战略探讨

    A Discussion about the Strategy on Human Resources in the West

  11. 建设东北亚航运中心与人才战略

    The Construction of Northeast Asia Shipping Center and Human Resources Strategy

  12. 强化实施农村人才战略是当务之急

    Strengthening the Practice of Rural Talents Strategy Is the Must

  13. 我国地质学基础研究人才战略

    Strategy of Young Talent in Geological Fundamental Studies in China

  14. 试论中国珠宝企业的人才战略&业内精英的企业出走

    Try to Discuss the Stratagem of Person of the Chinese Jewellery Industry

  15. 中国农业博物馆人才战略的几个理论和实践问题

    Some Theoretical and Practical Issues Regarding CAM 's Human Strategy

  16. 企事业单位推进人才战略的几点思考

    Some Considerations about Promoting the Talent Strategy in the Enterprises and Institutions

  17. 抓重点,做好沙漠旅游市场营销;实施培养旅游人才战略。

    Putting emphasis on desert-tourism market and carrying out a talented strategy .

  18. 论改革开放以来的我军军事人才战略思想

    On military talent strategy thought since the reform and opening

  19. 简论三代领导集体的人才战略

    On the talents strategy of the three different leading groups

  20. 实施以三支队伍建设为重点的邮政人才战略。

    The talent strategy with focus on building three contingents .

  21. 云南教育人才战略研究

    A Study on the Education Talents Strategy of Yunnan Province

  22. 而这一系统服务服从于院长的人才战略思想。

    A study of talent strategy in Heilongjiang province ;

  23. 动画产业中的标准化战略和人才战略

    Standardization Strategy and Talent Strategy in Animated Cartoon Industry

  24. 企业人才战略制定程序研究

    Study on setting procedures for enterprise talents ' strategy

  25. 黑龙江省人才战略问题研究

    A study of talent strategy in Heilongjiang province

  26. 试论企业人才战略的制定与实施

    On Talents Strategy Making and Practice in Enterprises

  27. 人才战略的人口学规定性研究

    Studies on the Demographic Stipulation of Talents Strategy

  28. 安徽人才战略的实施,必然要求进行人才环境建设。

    And the implement of Anhui talent strategic plan certainly needs talent environment construction .

  29. 世界各国的人才战略经验

    The experiences on talents strategy in the world

  30. 人才战略与高校教师队伍建设的政策取向

    Policy-making orientation of talent strategy and faculty construction