
  1. 通过借鉴美国尤其是硅谷高科技公司的人事管理战略实践,及人才任用与奖惩制度的成与败,发展适合中国入世后企业人事管理的新战略。

    This program is also designed to help the Chinese organizations learn from the American experience in order to develop a more effective HRM system that suits the new situation after China joined WTO .

  2. 技术锁定的方式有:知识产权战略、组建寡头垄断联盟战略、人事锁定战略、周期差距锁定战略及技术分离战略等。

    The way in which technology locks is as follows : Intellectual property right strategy , set - up oligarch alliance strategy , talent - lock strategy , cycle disparity lock strategy and technology separate strategy , etc.

  3. 西方非营利组织的管理者很早就开始使用会计制度、人事管理、战略计划等管理和控制方法,营销是最后一个被采纳的职能。

    The nonprofit management in the west has early begun using accountant system , human resource management and strategy planning as a set of operation and control method .

  4. 母公司对子公司的控制是以股权控制、授权控制和约定控制为基础的,并通过股权、人事、财务和战略控制方式来实施控制权。

    The parent companies realize their control to subsidiary companies by shares , staff , finance and stratagem on the bases of share control , commision control and contract control .

  5. 随着中国集团型企业的发展,在市场竞争日趋激烈的环境下,借助人力资源管理系统建设,从传统事务性的人事管理模式向战略管理的转变,无疑是一条很好的出路。

    With the development of group enterprises in China , market competition becomes more and more cruel . Under the construction of HR management system , personnel management changed itself from normal traditional transactional to strategic management . This is no doubt a good direction for the management .