
  1. 人情消费:一种权力传递与再生产的运作方式

    Renqing Consumption : The Operation of Power Transference and Reproduction

  2. 人情消费历来是中华民族维系人际关系的一种重要手段。

    Human consumption is an important means of maintaining interpersonal relationships for the Chinese nation .

  3. 存在着盲目无计划消费、从众消费、人情消费、攀比消费等误区。

    There are blind consumption , follower consumption , human-relationship consumption , unrealistic consumption , etc.

  4. 最后一章是针对不合理的农村人情消费行为的负功能,对其提出引导的对策建议。

    The final chapter is putting forward the countermeasure proposal in the light of unreasonable human consumption behaviors .

  5. 农村居民可以通过人情消费行为进行情感的表达和平衡农村中的各方关系。

    Farmers can express their feelings and balance the relationship between the parties in rural areas through human consumption .

  6. 探讨患方人情消费出现的原因、利弊及其对策

    Discussion on Reasons , Advantages and Disadvantages of Patients ' Expenditure on Human Relationship for Medical Treatment and Its Countermeasures

  7. 对人情消费的研究涉及政治学、经济学、社会学和心理学等学科领域。

    Researching on the human consumption is involved with political science , economies , sociology and political science and other fields .

  8. 本研究主要是站在社会学理论的角度上,对中国社会转型期的背景下农村广泛存在的人情消费行为这一微观社会现象的研究。

    This paper is based on the sociology theories and focuses on this microscopic social phenomenon under the background of the social transition period in China .

  9. 在社会学的视角下,人情消费是一种涉及人际关系、人际信任、社会网络等社会性因素的社会交往行为。

    In the perspective of sociology , renqing consumption is the social Intercourse which is associated with interpersonal trust , social networks , and other social factors .

  10. 农村人情消费之所以持续存在,除了人情消费是相沿成习的文化传统之外,其背后还隐含着一定的内在逻辑。

    The reason why the persistence of human consumption in rural areas , In addition to human consumption is cultural traditions , but also hidden behind a certain internal logic .

  11. 第一章是导论,主要介绍研究背景与意义,对国内外关于农村人情消费行为的研究进行梳理,并提出本文的研究论题。

    The first chapter is an introduction to the background and significance of the analysis of the problem to sort out the domestic and foreign research and source of this study .

  12. 随着农村经济发展和生活水平的提高,人情消费不断升级,这一现象是多种传统因素和现代因素综合作用的结果。

    With the development of the rural economy and improvement of the living standards , human consumption increases continuously this phenomenon is attribute to the combine result of a variety of traditional and modern elements .

  13. 在当前社会人情消费泛滥异化的时代背景下,农村家庭人情消费的功能主要表现为负功能,但其正面功能也不容抹煞。

    In the current social human consumption dissimilation under the background of flood , the function of rural families and consumption is mainly for negative functions , but its positive function also nots allow to diminish .