
  • 网络aesthetic consumption
  1. 人类创造美的活动是与人们审美消费的需要息息相关的。

    The human activity of creating beauty is closely related to the demand of aesthetic consumption .

  2. 虎落平阳后的思考&以超女为个案谈审美消费

    Thinking after Phenomenon of " A Tiger Gets down to the Level Ground "── Aesthetic Consumption from the Case of the Program of " Super Girl Singers "

  3. 试论审美消费与重庆地区经济发展

    Beauty Consumption and Economic Development in Chongqing

  4. 视觉与听觉属于审美消费过程中的两种范式,前者偏重于理性,后者偏向于感性。

    Vision and audition are two modes of aesthetic process , with the former focusing on rationality and the latter on perception .

  5. 中西美学范畴与当代审美消费艺术的接受可分为审美接受和非审美接受,审美接受又分为一般读者的欣赏性接受与批评家的批评接受。

    The Category of Sino-Western Aesthetics and Contemporary Aesthetic Consumption Meanwhile , esthetic reception can be divided into general reader 's enjoying reception and critic 's critical reception .

  6. 通过审美消费经济的内涵和特征描述,从重庆消费市场现状论述本地区发展审美消费存在的优势和不足,提出解决问题的具体方法。

    Describing the connotations and characteristics of beauty consumption economy and discussing the advantages and disadvantages based on the existing situation in Chongqing consumption market , this paper puts forward specific solutions to problems accordingly .

  7. 都市主流消费文化在很大程度上引领都市工笔画创作的方向,同时优秀艺术家对都市审美消费文化的提炼与表达又促进了都市审美认知的进步。

    Currently , with flourished urban civilization , the consumer culture in the direction of the main lead in large urban meticulous creation , while outstanding artists refined aesthetic expression of urban consumer culture and to promote the advancement of urban aesthetic cognition .

  8. 时装秀将时装设计的意境和目标等直观明了地传达给观众,引导大众的审美和消费。

    Through visual representation , it conveys artistic conceptions and objectives of fashion design to the spectators directly and guides their aesthetic appreciation and consumption .

  9. 审美借助消费等完成了对日常生活的殖民化过程,日常生活被赋予了形式,审美也获得了日常性。

    With the aid of consumption , aesthetic finishes the process of colonization , daily life is given a form , and aesthetic acquires a daily property .

  10. 因此,当代艺术接受虽然呈现出向消费嬗变的趋势,但仍在审美和消费之间,而且审美性仍是其根本特征。

    Consequently , the modern art acceptance has the trend to consumption , but it is still between aesthetics and consumption , and the character of aesthetics is still its underlying character .

  11. 随着商业的发展,商品与市场竞争日益激烈,大众的需求面越来越广,审美和消费能力都普遍提升,所以商业的促销手段也在随之不停地变化。

    With the development of commerce , the commodity production and the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce , the public demand for more and more , aesthetic and consumptive ability are generally improved , so the commercial promotions are constantly changing .

  12. 就其作为审美价值的消费而言,它与非审美价值的消费有明显不同。

    Obviously , consumption of aesthetic values is different from consumption of non-aesthetic value .

  13. 中国高校教师审美需要与消费观的调查

    Research and Investigation into the College Teachers ' Esthetical Needs and Attitude toward Consumption

  14. 他们是创造中国时尚感、趣味丰富、有国际审美眼光的消费群体。

    They are refined consumers , rich in taste and innovators of tomorrow 's trends .

  15. 虚无审美隐喻与消费价值观引导&对无印良品的设计剖析及其引发的思考

    The Aesthetic Metaphor of " Nihility " and the Guidance of Consumption Values-Analysis of MUJI Design

  16. 江南都市文化最典型特质在于它的审美性和消费性特质。

    The most typical particularity of Jiangnan metropolis culture lies in its own aesthetic and consumption .

  17. 审美价值的消费分为现实中审美价值的消费与艺术中审美价值的消费,后者是单纯的审美消费。

    Consumption of aesthetic values divides into realistic consumption and artistic consumption , the latter being pure aesthetic consumption .

  18. 本文将以电视新闻发展的情况为主线,论由此引出的人类审美需求、消费心理等规律性特点。

    This essay , centring around the development of TV news , analyses two regular patternsaesthetic demand and consuming psychology .

  19. 从文化内涵考虑它对企业的品牌发展有着重要的塑造作用,能够引导消费者的审美观、消费观等。

    Considering from the cultural connotation it has an important impact on the brand development of the enterprise , it can guide aesthetics and consumption of consumers .

  20. 从浪漫审美主义走向消费审美主义&论第五代导演的审美走向文艺理论中的“文化主义”与“审美主义”

    From Romantic Aestheticism to Consumptive Aestheticism & On Aesthetic Tendency of China s 5th Generation Directors ; The " Culturalism " and " Aestheticism " in Literary Theories

  21. 当信息时代到来时,人们经历了一场社会变革,它改变了人们的工作方式、生活方式、审美观念及消费理念。

    People experience a revolution of society when the information period comes . The social reform changed the way of work , lifestyle , aesthetic concept and consumption .

  22. 审美价值的消费也就是审美价值的接受和实现,是作为社会精神财富的审美价值转化为消费者的精神力量。

    As a form of accepting and realizing aesthetic values , the consumption of aesthetic values indicates the consumer 's spiritual strength transformed from aesthetic values as social spiritual fortunes .

  23. 实际上,这五位作家的创作代表了五种日常生活审美类型:消费型日常生活、庸常型日常生活、苦难型日常生活、温情型日常生活和私秘型日常生活。

    In fact , these five writers represent five kinds of esthetic types in daily life : consumption type , mediocre type , miserable type , tender type and private type of daily life .

  24. 文章从广告的定义及特点出发,从语言、文化习俗、审美价值及消费心理四个方面,阐述了英汉文化的差异对广告翻译的影响。

    Starting from the definition and characteristics of the advertisement , this thesis focuses on the influence of cultural differences in its translation from the aspects of language , custom , evaluation , and psychology .

  25. 这种过程,我们把它命名为审美化。消费文化的审美化,本质上就是一种重新赋予意义的过程。

    This process , we call it " aesthetics . " Aesthetic of consumer culture , in essence , is a meaningful process of re-empowerment . Then , do the promise of this aesthetic of consumer culture come true ?

  26. 各种医疗机构对红海战略的应用已经到了极致,作为消费主体的患者却对这些竞争方式产生了审美疲劳,消费也随之更加理性,传统营销手段的作用正在减弱。

    Various medical treatment organization apply " Red Sea strategy " already arrive extreme achievement , Be consume corpus of sufferer but to these competition way creation appreciate beauty tired , consume also immediately more reasonableness , tradition the function of the marketing means be die down .

  27. 女人的天性其实决定她们会主动化身审美对象被社会消费。

    The nature of women depended on taste of the mess .

  28. 青春审美文化是当代消费文化发展中的一个重要现象,是一种消费性文化。

    The aesthetic culture of the youth is a common phenomenon of consuming culture .

  29. 审美评价是伴随着审美消费所发生的一种主体行为,是主体对对象所具有的审美价值的性质、高低、大小、真伪等等所作的判定、鉴别、批评、论说。

    It is along with consumption of aesthetic values that aesthetic evaluation occurs in the aesthetic subject .

  30. 一个好的产品能给人以美的享受,以美的外形、结构和色彩向大众传播美的信息,满足、激起和发展他们的审美需要,并促使审美需求变为消费需求。

    A good product can give the human by happy enjoyment , by the artistic contour , the structure and the color to the mass media dissemination happy information , meets , arouses and develops their esthetic needs , and urges the esthetic demand to become the consumer demand .