
  1. 再次,本论文又给出了评价银行IT审计项目风险管理的定量评价模型。

    The theory lays the foundation for assessment of the IT audit project risk management . Again , the papers also give an quantitative evaluation model of the IT audit project risk management .

  2. 最后,利用加权平均法得出经专家评估的审计项目固有风险比率。

    Finally , the method of weighted mean is used to calculate the inherent risk ratio of the audit .

  3. 审计风险就是审计项目风险,它具有客观性、潜在性、严重性和可控性等特征。

    Audit risk means audit item risk .

  4. 风险分析阶段紧密结合A酒店审计项目,采取专家评分法对识别的风险按重要程度进行排序,并确定各风险概率及影响程度,计算出A酒店审计项目整体风险水平。

    Risk analysis phase closely contracts with the project , uses specialist point method to sort the identified risk by importance , ascertains risk probability and influence , and calculates the risk levels of the whole auditing project .

  5. 它指的是审计主体遭受损失的可能性。民间审计风险的种类包括审计项目(技术)风险和审计特有(非技术)风险。

    Generally speaking , civil auditing risks consist of program risks ( technical ) and specific risks ( non-technical ) .

  6. 审计风险是审计决策的一个重要因素,它有两个方面,即审计职业风险和审计项目风险。

    Audit risk is an important factor that should be considered carefully by auditors during their auditing practice .

  7. 针对IT审计的四个阶段,明确了各个阶段的控制目标、主要风险、应有的风险应对措施以及测试方法,为对银行IT审计项目风险管理状况的评价奠定了基础。

    The theory defines the control objectives , principal risks , the proper response to risk , as well as testing methods for the IT audit project processes .