
  1. 从地区比较上看,金融市场化减少消费流动性约束的作用在经济相对发达的东部和中部地区更为显著。

    Empirical results also show that the consumption liquidity constraint reducing effect plays a more important part in the Eastern and Middle regions with relatively developed economy .

  2. 从国际比较上看,金融市场化还能进一步释放消费需求。

    Financial marketization can further stimulate consumption demand according to the experiences from developed countries .

  3. 内容提要在我国部分农村,存在“次级产品市场化”的日常消费品和信息不对称的生产资料两种假冒伪劣市场。

    The rural counterfeit and inferior commodity market includes the second-hand daily consuming commodity market and the serious asymmetric information product-material market .