
  • 网络market index;Market Indices;MSCI Emerging Markets Index;EMI
  1. 良好的目标指数是ETF成功的关键因素之一,市场指数的缺乏无疑制约了ETF的发展,无法发挥其多样化的特点。

    Good target index is one of the key success factors for ETF ; the lack of market index undoubtedly constrains the development of ETF and whose diversity cannot be played .

  2. 其中,IPO新股上市首日换手率、振幅率及中小板市场指数与初始收益率成止相关,中签率则和初始收益率呈负相关。最后,在上述基础上提出相关政策建议。

    IPO first-day turnover , amplitude ratio and small plates market index with the initial yield are positively correlated . The success rate and the initial rate is a negative correlation . Finally , it makes some policy suggestions based on the above .

  3. 国际主要股票市场指数以及GDP的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Main International Stock Markets ' Indices and GDP

  4. 中国证券市场指数收益SAD效应实证研究

    A Study for SAD Effect on Chinese Market Indices Return

  5. 从年初至今,该基金微幅上涨了0.45%,其表现优于摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCIEmergingMarketsindex)。

    The fund has outperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets index year-to-date , up marginally by0.45 % .

  6. 这项研究覆盖纳入明晟新兴市场指数(MSCIEmergingMarketsIndex)的155家中国企业。

    The study covered 155 Chinese companies that are constituents of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index .

  7. 梅勒指出,在2009年,巴西是摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketindex)中最大的赢家。

    He points out that Brazil was the biggest gainer in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index in 2009 .

  8. 富时新兴市场指数(FTSEEmergingMarketindex)上涨了0.3%,这是该指数连续第9天上涨。

    The FTSE Emerging Market equity index is up 0.3 per cent , taking its winning stretch to nine days .

  9. 自2009年3月跌至低点后,美国股市的表现显著好于“摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数”(msciemergingmarketsindex)。

    Since US stocks hit lows in March 2009 , they have , remarkably , outperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets Index .

  10. 金砖四国在摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketsindex)中占据大约半壁江山,而投资者往往参考该指数设定投资组合中的权重。

    BRIC countries make up about half of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index , often used by investors to set weightings for their portfolios .

  11. 富时环球新兴市场指数(ftseall-worldemergingindex)仍较2007年10月末的高点低28%。

    The FTSE all-world emerging markets index is still 28 per cent below its high at the end of October 2007 .

  12. 但就摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketindex)而言,其历史市盈率目前为11.15倍,而过去4年的平均市盈率则为14.53倍。

    The MSCI Emerging Markets Index , however , is currently on a trailing earnings multiple of 11.15 times against an average of 14.53 times over the past four years .

  13. 指数证券组合模拟市场指数的聚类和MTV方法

    Cluster and MTV Approach for Making Index Portfolio

  14. 从研究结果来看,市场指数整体呈现上涨格局,由此纠正了普通投资者所认为的优质大型公司IPO是利空消息这一错误推断。

    The empirical results show that index takes a rising trend thus correcting the wrong view that IPO of large company is a bad news to the market .

  15. 虽然有美联储带来的反弹,MSCI新兴市场指数今年仍然下跌了5.3%。

    Despite the pullback by the Fed , the MSCI is still down 5.3 % on the year .

  16. 从年初至今,富时环球新兴市场指数(FTSEall-WorldEmergingIndex)上涨了逾15%,升至去年8月初以来的最高水平。

    As a result , the FTSE All-World Emerging index has gained more than 15 per cent so far this year , to its highest level since early August .

  17. 指数编纂公司摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)本月将宣布它是否打算将韩国升级至发达市场指数中。

    MSCI , the index compiler , will announce whether it intends to upgrade South Korea to developed market status this month .

  18. 目前约有6个供应商提供艺术品市场指数,如毕加索(Picasso)指数或大师级作品(OldMasters)指数,追踪艺术家及艺术流派多年来的行情表现。

    There are now about half a dozen players offering art market indices that track the performance of artists and genres of art over time , such as a Picasso index , or an Old Masters index .

  19. MSCI提供一个前沿市场指数(MSCIFrontierEmergingMarketsIndex),包含28个国家的163只股票——其中,哥伦比亚、埃及、秘鲁和菲律宾同时也是MSCI新兴市场指数(MSCIEMIndex)的构成部分。

    MSCI offers a Frontier Emerging Markets Index , with 163 equities from 28 countries - of which four : Colombia , Egypt , Peru and the Philippines are also represented in its Emerging Markets Index .

  20. 本文选取抑价率作为衡量IPO抑价程度的指标,并用市场指数加以调整。

    This paper chooses the IPO underpricing rate as the index to measure the degree of IPO underpricing and in this paper , the author also tries to adjust the IPO underpricing rate with the market indexes .

  21. 1月1日至今,富时(ftse)环球新兴市场指数已上涨75%,远远超过富时环球发达市场指数28%的涨幅。

    The FTSE all-world emerging markets index has risen 75 per cent since January 1 , far outpacing the 28 per cent gain reaped by the FTSE all-world developed index .

  22. 在东京,日经225指数(Nikkei225Average)上涨0.7%,至3周来最高水平,而MSCI新兴市场指数已升至10个月新高。

    In Tokyo , the Nikkei 225 Average edged up 0.7 per cent to a three-week peak while the MSCI emerging market equity index touched a 10-month high .

  23. 根据汇丰(HSBC)的一项估计,那次降级导致不到2亿美元追踪发达市场指数的被动资金从希腊“渗出”,而新兴市场投资者投入该国的资金可能突破了10亿美元。

    Less than $ 200m of passive money tracking developed market indices would seep out of Greece as a result , according to one HSBC estimate , while inflows from emerging markets investors could top $ 1bn .

  24. 据MSCI介绍,若按照真实权重纳入全部A股,中国将占到新兴市场指数的43.6%。

    According to MSCI , if all A-shares were to be included at their full weighting , China would take up 43.6 per cent of the emerging markets index .

  25. 根据msci新兴市场指数,过去10年,中国是增长最快的新兴经济体,但其投资回报率在26个国家中仅名列第24位。

    China is the fastest-growing emerging economy over the past 10 years , but ranks only 24th out of 26 for investment returns , according to the MSCI EM index .

  26. 今年迄今,基准的摩根士丹利资本国际(msci)新兴市场指数已跌去1.2%,过去12个月中,该指数累计跌幅达21.7%。

    So far this year , the benchmark MSCI Emerging Markets Index has shed 1.2 per cent , and over the past 12 months the gauge has lost 21.7 per cent .

  27. 指数提供商摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)将于下周宣布是否计划从2016年5月起将中国A股纳入其新兴市场指数。中国A股是指在上海和深圳市场上市的股票。

    MSCI , the index provider , will announce next week whether it plans to include Chinese A shares those listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen in its emerging markets index from May 2016 .

  28. 布鲁塞尔方面正介入撼动伦敦金融城的利率操纵丑闻,提议在整个欧盟范围内将操纵市场指数的尝试列为非法,并对伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(libor)的设定方式展开根本性的审议。

    Brussels is wading into the interest rate-rigging scandal rocking the city of London with a proposal to make illegal attempts to manipulate market indices across the EU and a fundamental review of the rules on how LIBOR is set .

  29. 事实上,上周摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数同比仅上涨了2%,而摩根士丹利资本新兴市场指数(MSCIEmergingMarkets)和追踪美国以外发达国家市场的EAFE指数双双下跌了近5%。

    Consider the fact that , through last week , the MSCI World Index gained just 2 % on the year , with nearly 5 % drops for both the MSCI Emerging Markets index and the EAFE index of developed markets outside of the United States .

  30. Gilbert和Karahalios描述了他们如何使用这些指数以提高对标准普尔500指数的变化的预见性,标准普尔500指数是基于大型美国公共公司之上的股票市场指数。

    Gilbert and Karahalios described how they have used the index to improve forecasts of the movement of the S & P500 , a stock market index based on large , public US companies .