
  • 网络Market Concentration Ratio
  1. 本文通过运用市场份额、市场集中率和进入退出壁垒等指标分析我国银行业的市场结构状况,指出我国银行业具有明显的垄断色彩。

    By using the index of market share , market concentration ratio and entering and retreating from the barrier , this article analyses the situation of our countrys banks , market structure and points out that there is an evident monopoly feature in our country 's banking industry .

  2. 在分析盈利悖论说方面,本文采用了市场集中率的计算方法,结合相应的计算图表从规模经济优势这一角度加以阐述。

    On analyzing the " paradox of profits ", the article takes the method such as rate of market concentration , at the same time , we plus some chart to analyze the object on the aspect of economics of scale .

  3. 同时,中国保险业是一个垄断型的产业,市场竞争主体少,市场集中率很高,市场竞争不充分。

    China insurance industry is a monopoly industry . The body of competition is little . The market concentration rate is high .