
shēnɡ chǎn zhǐ shù
  • production index
  1. 自2001年年底以来,经合组织(OECD)工业生产指数上升了10%。

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 's industrial production index is up 10 per cent since the end of 2001 .

  2. 电力工业生产指数初探

    Preliminary Inquiry into Power Production Index

  3. 工业生产指数提高了。

    The index of industrial production increased .

  4. 1931年2月,就业、工资额和生产指数稳定

    Indices of employment , payrolls , and production steadied in February 193

  5. 年2月,就业、工资额和生产指数稳定

    Indices of employment , payrolls , and production steadied in February 1931931

  6. 经济方面的其他消息,供应管理协会(InstituteforSupplyManagement,ISM)提出非生产指数缩减幅度低于预期。

    And in other economic news , a report by the Institute for Supply Management said its non-manufacturing index shrank by less than expected .

  7. 最后,本文利用Malmquist生产指数及其分解函数,对2006-2008年三年时间中的13家样本银行的效率变化进行了动态的刻画。

    Finally , the use of Malmquist index and its decomposition of the production function of the three-year period 2006-2008 in 13 samples of the efficiency of the bank changes the dynamic of the characterization .

  8. 变生产指数下水平井生产动态分析

    Production performance analysis on horizontal wells with variable production index

  9. 1931年2月,就业、工资额和生产指数稳定。

    Indices of employment , payrolls , and production steadied in February 1931 .

  10. 工业生产指数编制方法的优化建议

    The Proposal of Index Number of Industrial Production 's Optimum Method of Establishment

  11. 世界工业生产指数,方法和估计

    Indices of World Industrial Production ; Methods and Estimates

  12. 非洲国家食物生产指数

    Index of Food Production of the African Countries

  13. 工业生产指数是反映工业发展速度的通用方法。

    Index number of industrial production is the general method that reflects industry speed of development .

  14. 汽车产量的缩减也是促使官方工业生产指数急剧下降的原因之一。

    Cutbacks in auto output contributed to a sharp drop in the official index of industrial production .

  15. 显示未来增长前景的新订单和生产指数,在7月份双双上升。

    The new orders and production indices indicative of prospects for future growth both rose over the month .

  16. 大多数的好消息,整体销售有关的包装和灵活的生产指数,焦平面成员的报告。

    Most of the good news concerned overall sales of flexible packaging and the production index that FPA members report .

  17. 新订单指数从51.8%降至50.4%,生产指数从53.3%回落至52.0%。

    The sub-index for new orders fell to 50.4 from 51.8 , while the output sub-index declined to 52.0 from 53.3 .

  18. 水平井每单位长度的生产指数沿水平井段并非处处都相等。

    And that the production index per unit length along the horizontal wellbore is not the same from place to place .

  19. 但是,工业生产指数作为一种新生的指标体系,同样存在着优势与不足,需要不断完善。

    But the index of industrial production has some advantages and at the same time some shortcomings that have to be improved .

  20. 不过,汇丰还表示其中国工厂产出分类指数降至49.6,与生产指数的轻微回落相吻合。

    However , HSBC also said its sub-index for Chinese factory output fell to 49.6 , which would be consistent with a slight fall in production .

  21. 此外,详细情况与下列因素紧密相关,如新订单,生产指数,以及就业的跌幅都已经达到本世纪以来前所未有的低水平。

    In addition , the details were very concerning with new orders , production indexes and employment all falling to levels not witnessed in a generation .

  22. 商务部表示,全面衡量经济情况的国内生产指数在第三季度初值年化增长2.8%。

    Commerce Department says the Gross Domestic Product that is the broadest measure of economy was expanding in 2.8 % annual rate during the three month ending in September .

  23. 水平井开采时流入剖面不均匀,传统的产能解析公式或恒生产指数的计算方法难以准确预测其产能。

    Owing to the non-uniform inflow profile , it was difficult to estimate the productivity of horizontal wells accurately by traditional analytical equations or calculation methods with constant production index .

  24. 新订单指数跃升6.1点,至55.34点,为2007年12月以来第二次出现扩张,而生产指数上升5.4点,至57.95点,为连续第二个月上升。

    New orders jumped 6.1 points to 55.34 , growing for only the second time since December 2007 , while the production index rose 5.4 points to 57.95 , growing for the second consecutive month .

  25. 工业生产指数是以基期的平均生产水平为100,来测算报告期生产水平的动态相对数。

    The index of the level of industries is the estimation of the relative figures of the status of the production level in the period to be reported based on the average level as 100 in the compared period .

  26. 2010年6月,工业统计国际研讨会在大连召开,会议讨论了工业生产指数的修订问题,并发布了关于工业生产指数的国际建议。

    In June 2010 , the International Workshop on Industrial Statistics was held in Dalian , China . The conference further discussed the revision of the IIP , and eventually released the international publication : International Recommendations for the Index of Industrial Production ( 2010 ) .

  27. 工业品生产价格指数(ppi)、工厂产出及零售额等方面的数据同样表现强劲。

    Data on producer prices , factory output and retail sales were also robust .

  28. 我国棉花产业经济预警指标的研究和应用&中国棉花生产景气指数(CCPPI)和中国棉花生长指数(CCGI)

    Study on the Warning Symbol and the Application for Cotton Industry Economy in China & China Cotton Production Prosperity Index ( CCPPI ) and China Cotton Growth Index ( CCGI )

  29. 中国的生产能力指数(X6)从1990年的第10位上升到2008年的第二位,强大的经济能量和规模优势,为实现更宏伟的目标奠定了良好基础。

    From 1990 to 2008 , the rank of X6 ( index of the scale of economy and production ) of China has improved from the tenth to the second . With this advantage in scale , China has gained a good basis for the realization of grand goal .

  30. 一种控制生产的指数型数学模型

    A Kind of Exponent-type Mathematic Model for Control Process in Production