
  1. 其次,结合上海SN公司生产经营状况,分析了项目转移成本控制现状以及项目转移成本控制中存在的主要问题。

    Second , combined with Shanghai SN company production and operation situation , we analysis the project transfer cost control present situation and the mail problems of project transfer existing in the company .

  2. 矿井生产经营状况的脸谱评价方法

    Emotion-evaluation method for coal mine production and management state

  3. 计划制定的好坏,直接影响到企业以后的生产经营状况;

    The plans ' quality will affect the later production management condition of the enterprise directly .

  4. 金融危机下国际大石油公司生产经营状况及应对策略

    Production and operational status as well as coping strategies of major international oil companies under financial crisis

  5. 企业的生产经营状况和经营者的社会价值观不同导致企业对社会责任绩效的不同认识。

    The different between the operation situation of enterprises and the views of social values lead to different perceptions of corporate social responsibility performance .

  6. 他们认为货币资金越多,单位的生产经营状况越好,财务管理越有效。

    They consider the more cash asset , the better production and operation level they have , and more effective the financial management is .

  7. 受我国宏观经济增速放缓,交通运输物流板块产能过剩的影响,港口的生产经营状况并不乐观。

    The macro economic growth is slowing , transportation and logistics sector excess capacity , the influence of port production and operation situation is not optimistic .

  8. 产生这种影响的原因首先是公司的生产经营状况与有色金属期货的价格密切相关。

    The cause of this kind of effect is firstly that the production and management of those companies have been close correlated with the price of non-ferrous metal futures .

  9. 随着石油企业改革的深入,对采油单位生产经营状况进行评价考核监督已成为石油企业的重要日常工作之一。

    As the reform in oilfield enterprises is being deepened , it has become one of the items on the daily work schedule to evaluate and supervise the state of production and operation .

  10. 有关风险因素可能对发行人生产经营状况、财务状况和持续盈利能力有严重不利影响的,应作“重大事项提示”。

    The issuer shall make " important notes " against relevant risk factors which may cause material adverse impacts on the production and operating conditions , financial conditions and the continuous earning powers of the issuer .

  11. 为了说明现金流量表对于企业财务分析的重要性,通过一个企业的现金流量表实例,分析了该企业的生产经营状况,结果表明,这种分析具有较强的实用性。

    In order to make out the significance of cash-flux to enterprise finance analysis , I present a case study to analyze the business condition of an enterprise , the results shows that it is very practical .

  12. 我国的会计准则要求会计信息必须真实的反映企业的财务状况、经营成果、现金流量的状况,从而最终反映企业的生产经营状况。

    The accounting criterion of our country requires that accounting information must truly reflect the financial situation of enterprises , the states of management performance and the cash flow , thus reflect the production management states of enterprises finally .

  13. 面对企业生产经营状况的恶化,员工开始担心未来事业的发展,部分核心员工也因无法忍受效益下降对自己薪酬所造成的影响,纷纷离开企业。

    Due to the deteriorating conditions of production and management , the staff began to worry about the future of their career , and some core employees who cannot tolerate the decrease of the salaries have left the company .

  14. 因此我国要推进农业现代化,实现农业产业化经营就必须提高农民的组织化程度,积极引导农民走向新的联合与合作,改变农民一家一户小规模分散生产经营状况。

    Therefore , advancing the modernization process of agriculture and realizing the management of agricultural industrialization must boost farmers ' degree of systematization , actively lead them to new unity and corporation instead of individual production in a small scale of management .

  15. 对供电企业模拟市场中的几个重要指标,本文从完成情况、增长情况、变化趋势、影响因素分析、敏感性分析等方面,对它们进行了系统的分析,以期全面了解企业的生产经营状况。

    In order to know clearly the operational conditions of the power supply companies , this paper carefully analyses some important indexes in various sides and various point of view , such as accomplishment situation , increasing situation , developmental trend , influencing factors and sensitivity etc.

  16. 针对我国电解锰行业的生产、经营状况,分析了该行业在加入WTO后,所面临的形势,提出了在全行业中要加强学习世贸组织的规则、规定,树立应有的责任意识;

    The paper describes our Mn electrolysis industry , including its production , management , etc. and analyzes the new situation after it joins WTO .

  17. 在此基础上,提出了烤烟生产集约经营状况的框架评价指标体系和集约度、集约量、集约效率的有关计算方法。

    An evaluating indicator system was consequently established as well as the correlative calculating methods for degree , amount , and efficiency of intensive management .

  18. 而当公司生产经营的状况不稳定时,利用会计估计和假设生成的应计利润包含了较多的误差,并且应计利润质量较低。

    If there is more uncertainty in the operating condition , the accounting estimation and assumption may contain more errors , and it means lower accruals quality .

  19. 根据油田生产经营实际状况,在国家计委技术经济所的指导下,对建立关于石油工业企业经济增长方式转变状况的评价指标问题进行初步探讨。

    Abstract According to the actual situation of oilfield production and management , a research on the assessment indexes of transforming economic growth style is made under the instructions from the Technical and Economical Department of State Economy Planning Committee .

  20. 这使农业生产陷入粗放经营状况,农技推广困难,农业产业化面临巨大的压力。

    This make the agricultural production under the condition of extensive management , promotion of agricultural science and technology difficulties , the agricultural industry facing tremendous pressure . 3 .

  21. 会计信息是企业利益相关者了解企业生产经营情况和财务状况,从而进行经营管理、投资决策和评价其财务状况与经营成果的依据。

    The stakeholders to understand the business situation , the financial situation and then make management , investment decisions and evaluating its financial position and operating results is on the accounting information .

  22. 概述了全国氯碱行业的发展形势和烧碱、钾碱、氯及主要氯产品的生产经营及技术进步状况。

    The development situations of domestic chlor-alkali industry are reviewed . The production and management status and technological progress of caustic soda , caustic potash , chlorine and main chloride products are described .

  23. 会计信息是否安全可靠,不仅关系到能否如实地反映企业的生产经营情况和财务状况,为企业经营管理提供可靠的会计信息,而且也影响到国家、企业和职工的经济利益。

    Whether the accounting information is safe not only concerns that the enterprise production managing status and financial status can be actually / practically reflected to provide the reliability accounting information for the enterprise operation management but also affects the economic benefit of nation , enterprise and staff-members .

  24. 冶金企业积极同流通企业合作,建立和发展销售代理制,将会改善生产及流通企业的生产经营状况。

    To establish and develop selling agent system will improve the production and management state of production and selling enterprises through active cooperation of metallurgical enterprise with selling enterprise .

  25. 计量数据对于钢铁生产企业来说是非常重要的,能够反映其生产经营状况和管理水平。

    Measure data is very important to steel & iron business enterprises , can reflect their production capacity and management level .

  26. 本文结合我国企业生产的特点,设置出目标管理的有关指标,用计算机技术来评估企业生产、经营状况,并给出企业单元人员、产量定额的计算方法。

    Ith the characteristic of the enterprise in China , the papes sets object management targets , appraises the situation of the enterprise operation , and gives the calculation method of the enterprise production and staff quotas using the computer technology .