
  1. 文章根据中国国情延伸了生态保险的概念,拓宽了其适用范围,归纳了其特点,简述了其发展进程。

    This paper extended the concept of ecological insurance according to the situation of Chinese , broadens it to apply scope and induced its9 characters .

  2. 为此必须不断优化县域保险发展的内部生态环境,为保险业在县域的发展创造条件。

    We should optimize the environment of rural insurance continuously to create a benign environment for the development .

  3. 我国的生态危险管理与生态保险

    The Management of the Ecological Peril and Ecological Insurance in Our Country

  4. 具体来说,这些制度包括生态农业补贴制度、生态农业保险制度以及生态农业技术推广制度等。

    To be specific , it includes ecological agriculture subsidy institution , ecological agriculture insurance institution , and ecological agriculture technology extension institution .

  5. 第三部分主要是分析生态损害的特点,从中研究得出生态损害补偿责任保险现实可行性。

    Chapter ⅲ according to the characteristics of ecological damage , ecological damage compensation liability insurance of the feasibility of implementation .