
  • 网络Commercial Endowment Insurance
  1. 会议提出,加快发展商业养老保险,优化养老保险结构。

    It was agreed at the meeting that commercial endowment insurance will be developed at a faster pace and the overall pension insurance structure will be refined .

  2. 被征地农民商业养老保险体系的构建

    Construction of Commercial Endowment Insurance System of Land-expropriated Peasants

  3. 从影响购买商业养老保险的具体因素(如:年龄、职业等)出发,把调查的数据用SPSS分析,得到各因素与购买与否的相关性。

    According to the specific factors ( such as : age , occupation etc. ) . I will use the SPSS to analysis , to get the correlation of the factors and purchasing or not .

  4. 社会养老保险与商业养老保险的关系分析

    An Analysis of Relationship between the Old Age Social Security and the Endowment Insurance

  5. 人口老龄化形势下商业养老保险的发展前景

    The Development Prospects of Commercial Endowment Insurance

  6. 商业养老保险的精算模型

    The Actuarial Model of Commercial Endowment

  7. 快速建立和发展第三支柱的要求,更为商业养老保险提供了无限的机会和空间。

    The establishing and developing of the third pillar will giving insurance company great opportunity and space .

  8. 论我国城镇社会养老保险与商业养老保险的和谐发展

    Study on the Harmonious Development of Social Old-age Insurance and Commercial Pension Insurance in the City of China

  9. 要构建一个和谐的养老保障体系就必须使社会养老保险和商业养老保险和谐发展。

    To build a harmonious pension insurance system must ensure that the social pension insurance and commercial pension insurance develop harmonious .

  10. 保险公司开办的商业养老保险,是我国养老保障制度的重要补充。

    Commercial endowment set up by an insurance company is an important complement to the guarantee system for the aged of our country .

  11. 商业养老保险机构在利润最大化目标的驱动下,所提供的保障是不完全的,也同样无法有效应对养老风险,防止老年贫困。

    Commercial pension insurance institutions driven by profit maximization will provide uncomplete protection , and is also unable to effectively deal with pension risks .

  12. 由此可见,选择研究我国农村商业养老保险问题具有非常重要的理论与实践意义。

    Thus , the selection of Chinese rural pension problem , especially in rural commercial pension insurance has a very important theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 在该背景下,在我国大力发展商业养老保险对消费者、政府和保险公司都是大有裨益的。

    In this context , it has great benefit to consumers , government and insurance companies if developing the commercial pension insurance in our country .

  14. 针对商业养老保险,建立了若干种养老保险模型,并利用精算数学的方法给出了这些模型的趸缴及年缴均衡净保费的计算公式。

    Some kinds of endowment models for insurance are built up and the calculating formula of net single premium and net annual premium of these models are presented .

  15. 当前,在稳步扩大基本养老保障覆盖面的同时,应努力促进企业年金和商业养老保险的发展,使之构成完善的养老体系。

    Currently , measures should be taken to expand steadily the care coverarage and increase care items , so as to establish a sustainable aged care system in china .

  16. 它不是一般商业养老保险受到税收优惠政策的支持,不能完全放任,只能是有限制市场运作和政府适度调控相结合。

    It isn 't a kind of commercial endowment insurance since it is supported by the preferential tax policy , so it moves under limitation and rational government regulation .

  17. 养老保险体系完善而且更注重公平的国家,其个人商业养老保险税收优惠幅度显然没有注重效率的国家的幅度大。

    The countries that improve endowment insurance system and attention to fairness , their personal commercial endowment insurance tax preferential range lower than ones those are not attention to fairness .

  18. 在现代社会条件下,要想解决农村居民的养老问题,就必须建立包括商业养老保险在内的多层次养老保障体系。

    So in modern social conditions , in order to solve the problem of rural residents pension , we must create a multi-level old-age security system include of commercial pension insurance .

  19. 但农村的寿险业在最近几年才有所发展,对于农村商业养老保险的发展前景及发展空间是一个非常值得研究的方面。

    However , the life insurance industry in the rural areas in recent years have developed . For the rural old-age insurance business and the development prospects of the development of space is a very worthy of study areas .

  20. 所以,国家和地方应在经济上承担最低农村养老救助的责任,并制定相关的政策法规保障家庭养老、社区养老、商业养老保险顺利开展。

    Therefore , the State and local governments should take on the economic responsibility of rural minimum pension relief , and establish relevant policies and regulations to guarantee the smoothly implementing family pension , community pension , and commercial pension insurance .

  21. 此外,由于农村商业养老保险具有商业性和社会性的双重属性,因此我国应当当完善监管法律,确立监管机构及其职责,加强对农村商业养老保险的监督和竹理。

    Besides , the author argues that the rural commercial endowment insurance has both commercial and social double properties , so we should perfect the regulation law and establish regulators and its responsibilities to strengthen supervision and management of the rural commercial endowment insurance .

  22. 个体劳动者也可以买商业医疗养老保险,比如买自由职业的养老保险。

    Individual worker also can buy endowment insurance of commercial medical treatment , buy free occupational endowment insurance for instance .

  23. 最后本为针对模型所阐述的原因提出了完善中国农村养老保险制度的建议,并对商业保险在农村养老保险制度中应发挥的作用进行了展望。

    In the last part , the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve rural pension insurance system in China in reference of reasons elaborated from model and makes some prospects of what role should commercial insurance play in rural pension insurance system .