
shānɡ yè bǎo xiǎn
  • commercial insurance;business insurance
  1. 之后作者又从开发周期、开发地区、财务分析、特许合同、工程总承包、运营总承包、法律咨询以及商业保险方面提出了见解,供其它城市污水BOT项目在运作过程中参考借鉴。

    Some opinions are provided by author on developing cycle , developing district , finance analyses , concession contact , EPC , O & M , law consultation and business insurance , as references to other sewage BOT project .

  2. 替代还是互补:社会保险与商业保险关系的理论和实证分析

    Substitute or Complementary : Relationship between Social Insurance and Business Insurance

  3. 商业保险公司主要承保包括碰撞责任在内的船舶险(H&Minsurance)。

    The commercial insurance companies mainly provide H & M insurance which cover collision liability .

  4. 但预算和政策优先中心(centreonbudgetandpolicypriorities)罗卜特格林斯坦反对说(向商业保险的)出逃将会因政府(保险)覆盖更多儿童而逐渐停止。

    But Robert Greenstein , of thecentre on budget and policy priorities , argues thatcrowding out is bound to occur as the government tries to cover more children .

  5. 共和党人时常叫嚷着雇主将会毁掉商业保险,而更倾向于将其员工丢给subsidisedexchanges并缴纳罚款。

    Republicans have often claimed that employers will scrap corporate insurance , preferring to pay a fine and dump their workers on the subsidised exchanges .

  6. 文章第四部分对安徽省商业保险保费收入与经济发展GDP之间的关系做了实证分析,结果表明保费收入与GDP正相关。

    The fourth part of the article makes theoretical hypotheses and empirical analysis on the relationship between insurance income and economic development , and the results show that the insurance income and GDP are positively correlated .

  7. 商业保险的文化基础

    The Cultural Foundation of Commercial Insurance in a Cultural Sociology Perspective

  8. 发展商业保险和实行灾害保障是森林保险的方向。

    It is direction to develop commercial insurance and disaster guarantee .

  9. 中国人寿是中国最大的国有商业保险集团。

    China Life is China 's largest state-owned commercial insurance conglomerate .

  10. 我没有足够的钱钱去买商业保险。

    And I don 't have enough money to buy commercial insurance .

  11. 商业保险模式有利于节约运行成本。

    Compared with government , commercial insurance model trends to cost saving .

  12. 工商业保险和风险经理协会

    Association of Insurance and Risk Managers in Industry and Commerce

  13. 论云南省商业保险市场的特征及发展趋势

    On the Characteristics and Trends of Yunnan Commercial Insurance Markets

  14. 国家对商业保险公司不给予任何补贴。

    The country does not offer any subsidy to commercial insurance company .

  15. 商业保险公司应对长寿风险的产品设计研究

    The Product Design Study of Commecial Insurance Companies Dealing with Longevity Risk

  16. 我国已建防洪工程商业保险可行性研究

    Feasibility study on commercial insurance of existing flood control projects in China

  17. 再者是商业保险责任。

    The third one is the liabilities of commercial insurances .

  18. 社会互动、社会资本和商业保险购买

    Social Interaction , Social Capital and Commercial Insurance Purchase

  19. 接下来与一般商业保险进行比较,分析了海外投资面临的政治风险。

    Then the author analyzes the political risks compared with common commercial risks .

  20. 正文的第二部分较为系统地研究了美国商业保险监管体系。

    Part Two conducts a systematic analysis of American business insurance regulation system .

  21. 由此,商业保险公司代理人招聘系统的重要性不断提高。

    Thus , the importance of insurance agent recruitment system is improved greatly .

  22. 谈商业保险不正当竞争行为的监管&对一起学平险行政处罚案的质疑与思考

    About the Regulation on Unfair Competition of Commercial Insurance

  23. 商业保险在农民工社会养老保险的参与问题上基本没有影响。

    Commercial insurance almost has on effect on rural-urban workers participate pension system .

  24. 新型合作医疗引入商业保险模式效果评价研究

    Evaluating the Effect of Commercial Insurance Model in New-type Rural Cooperative Medical System

  25. 我国商业保险法律监管体系的建构

    The Construction of Commercial Insurance System in China

  26. 比较汽车保险,家庭保险,健康保险,商业保险以及人生保险的价格。

    Compare prices for auto , home , health , business and life insurance .

  27. 从1980年中国恢复重建商业保险业务以来,中国保险事业取得巨大成就。

    Since reestablished in 1980 , China 's insurance industry has achieved great accomplishments .

  28. 商业保险公司开拓农村小额保险市场的动因与发展模式研究

    Study on the Causes and Development Model of Commercial Insurance Company Exploiting Rural Micro-Insurance Market

  29. 论商业保险跨越式发展与解决老龄化社会问题

    On accelerated development of commercial insurance and the solution to the issue of aging population

  30. 社会保障与商业保险初探

    On the Social Security and Commercial Insurance