
qiǎnɡ zhì bǎo xiǎn
  • compulsory insurance;mandatory insurance;forced insurance;statutory insurance
  1. 本文以社会福利为衡量保险市场效率的标准,分析了在处于R-S均衡的保险市场中,如果有部分投保人低估自身风险,实施强制保险是否有助于保险市场效率的提高。

    Using social welfare as an index of market efficiency , the paper tries to analyze whether compulsory insurance can improve efficiency of the insurance market in R-S equilibrium with misinformation .

  2. 以及是否应当仿效《1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约》的规定,在海上旅客运输中实行第三人责任强制保险制度三个方面。

    And whether to built the third party liability compulsory insurance .

  3. 船舶油污损害民事责任的强制保险

    Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage by Ship

  4. 交通事故责任强制保险的问题及对策分析

    Analyzing Problems and Countermeasures on Compulsory Liability Insurance of Traffic Accident

  5. 机动车交通事故责任强制保险若干问题研究

    Study of Some Problems of Motor Vehicle Road Accident Responsibility Forces

  6. 试论机动车第三者责任强制保险的防灾防损功能

    On Loss Prevention and Control of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance

  7. 机动车交通事故损害赔偿与第三者责任强制保险探讨

    Analysis of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Damages Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance

  8. 二是强制保险的广泛应用。

    The second is the broadly application of compulsory insurance .

  9. 交通事故责任强制保险条例的特点及其影响

    Characteristics and Influence on the Enforceable Insurance Regulation of Traffic Accident Liability

  10. 强制保险能否提高保险市场效率分析

    A study on whether compulsory insurance can improve market efficiency

  11. 第二部分讨论了我国的机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度在实践中面临的问题。

    Chapter II discusses pay our compulsory traffic accident liability insurance problems in practice .

  12. 购房按揭强制保险探析

    On the Compulsory Insurance for House Purchase Installment

  13. 这一制度除包括到强制保险外,还与直接诉讼、基金制度等密切相关。

    Whatever , this regime is closely related to direct action and compensation fund .

  14. 海上旅客运输承运人强制保险问题研究

    Re sea rch on Compulsory Insurance to Carrier in Carriage of Passenger by Sea

  15. 第二部分对机动车第三者责任强制保险的责任原则进行探讨。

    The second section discusses the function of Motor vehicle third-party liability compulsory insurance .

  16. 车辆保险理赔指南机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究

    The Study on the System of the Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance on Motor Vehicle

  17. 我国机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究

    A Study on the System of Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance for Motor Vehicles in China

  18. 三是实行强制保险与自愿保险相结合,提高参与率;

    Thirdly to link the compulsory insurance and voluntary insurance and raise the rate of participation ;

  19. 第四部分提出了我国机动车第三者责任强制保险制度的完善建议。

    The fourth part of our compulsory third party liability insurance system , improve the proposal .

  20. 论机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度

    On the Theories about Litigious Right ; The Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles

  21. 《道路交通安全法》的开始实施,使机动车第三者责任强制保险的法律地位得到认可。

    The Road Traffic Safety Law contains the forced automobile liability insurance for the third party .

  22. 旅客意外伤害强制保险

    Compulsory insurance against injury to passengers

  23. 论强制保险人介入医患纠纷处理制度

    On the Insurer 's Intervention in Medical Dispute Treatment System in the Compulsory Medical Liability Insurance

  24. 作者结合本国海上强制保险立法实践、现实需要进行研究,探求在我国建立包括海上运输和水路运输的强制保险制度的可行性。

    It is of great necessity for China to establish the system of marine compulsory insurance .

  25. 第一章是对机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度基本理论的介绍。

    Chapter 1 is an overview of the basic theories of the Traffic Accident Compulsory Insurance .

  26. 目前人们对机动车第三者责任强制保险还不甚了解。

    There is a lack of understanding of mandatory motor vehicle third-party liability insurance at the moment .

  27. 一般认为,机动车第三者责任强制保险(以下简称强制三责险)乃是加强被保险人的赔偿能力,进而赔偿交通事故受害者损失的事后补偿机制。

    In general , Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance is regarded as a indemnity system after traffic accidents .

  28. 本章将公约重点内容划分为适用范围、责任承担、强制保险三部分。

    This chapter divides these key content into three parts : application , liability and compulsory insurance .

  29. 接着就以是否具有强制性为依据,将车辆保险合同划分为强制保险合同及商业保险合同,而本文研究的重点就在商业保险部分。

    Then according to whether it is controversial , insurance contracts are divided into controversial and commercial .

  30. 第三者责任的强制保险

    Compulsory third party insurance