
qiǎnɡ zhì pāi mài
  • forced sale;mandatory auction;execution sale;judicial sale
  1. 强制拍卖船舶中各方当事人法律关系分析

    In forced sale ships all quarters litigant legal relationship analysis

  2. 关于强制拍卖船舶制度若干问题的探讨

    Research on the System of Forced Sale of Ship

  3. 强制拍卖作为法院的一种强制执行措施,应当由法院行使。

    Enforcing auctioning as an Enforcing power shall be executed by courts .

  4. 论民事执行行为中的法院强制拍卖

    On the Conduct of the Civilian Implementation of the Court 's Compulsory Auction

  5. 因此,司法强制拍卖制度完善研究是很有必要进行的。

    Therefore , the judicial enforcement of the auction is necessary improvements carried out .

  6. 强制拍卖船舶属于海事诉讼法中极具特色的制度之一。

    Court ordered auction of vessel is one of the extremely special systems in Chinese admiralty practice .

  7. 强制拍卖研究

    Research on Forced Auction

  8. 第四部分对我国强制拍卖制度的完善提出了一些自己的建议。

    The fourth part of a forced auction sale in China to perfect the system of the proposed some Suggestions .

  9. 第二部分对强制拍卖的现状,包括启动条件和具体程序进行分析。

    The second part of the present situation of the compulsory auction , including startup conditions and specific procedures for analysis .

  10. 民事执行法中拍卖制度之理论基石&强制拍卖性质之法律分析

    Theoretical Cornerstone of the Auction System in the Civil Law of Implementation & Legal Analysis of the Nature of Mandatory Auction

  11. 法院强制拍卖行为是一种国家司法行为,具有公力救济的性质。

    The court compulsory auction is a kind of national judicial act , which has the property of " public remedy " .

  12. 第三部分着重叙述我国强制拍卖制度和实践中存在的一些不足和问题。

    The third part of a forced auction sale in China mainly describe the system and practice the existing limitations and problems .

  13. 因此,法院强制拍卖制度要能够发挥应有作用,必须具有公信力。

    Therefore , the court to force the auction system to be able to play its due role , you must have credibility .

  14. 但是,对于采矿权的强制拍卖,存在诸多争议,其中最重要的一个争议就是强制拍卖的主体是法院还是国土资源主管部门。

    However , enforcing auctioning on mining rights is in dispute that the entity of enforcing auctioning is court or land and resources administration .

  15. 由于拍卖规则与承租人优先购买权制度存在一定的冲突,有学者因此而否认强制拍卖下承租人的优先购买权。

    There are certainly conflicts between the auction rules and the lessee preemption right , so that some scholars deny the lessee preemption right in the forced auction .

  16. 银行强制拍卖船舶,往往会进一步降低船舶的价值,而少数不缺资金的船东则得以借机扩大船队,为市场回暖作准备。

    The forced sale of ships by banks also tended to reduce values further , allowing the few owners with funds to build up fleets ready for the upturn .

  17. 因此,本文对民事强制拍卖制度进行系统化研究,在阐述强制拍卖的基本理论和分析我国强制拍卖立法现状的基础上,阐明了我国强制拍卖制度存在的问题。

    Based on the outline of civil coercive auction and the legislative status of civil coercive auction system , expound the problems of the compulsory auction system of our country .

  18. 同时,通过与商业拍卖以及普通法院对一般财产的拍卖相比较,分析海事法院在强制拍卖船舶法律关系中的法律地位以及承担的相关责任、义务问题。

    Study on the status and the right and obligation of the maritime court during the auction of vessel comparing with commercial public sale and the auction of other property .

  19. 除了一般拍卖应当坚持的公正、公平、公开原则外,强制拍卖还应当坚持拍卖优先、及时拍卖和委托拍卖原则。

    In addition to the principles of openness , fairness and impartiality , the principles of entrusting auction to auctioneer , auctioning timely and priority should also be adhered to .

  20. 通过对强制拍卖的研究,希望我们能够更加全面、宏观地认识强制拍卖行为的法律地位与特征,最终更好地规范强制拍卖行为,促进强制拍卖制度的建立。

    By these researches we can gain a overall and macroeconomic knowledge of the legal position and characteristics of Mandatory Auction action better and promote the establishment of Mandatory Auction System .

  21. 然而,法院强制拍卖的性质究竟系私法上的法律行为还是公法上的处分行为,直接影响到拍卖的法律效果。

    However , the court forced sale of the private nature of the legal system or whether the law on the punishment , directly affect the legal effect of the auction .

  22. 加上实践中多方主体之间利益关系复杂,目前我国强制拍卖的社会评价和执行效果都不尽如人意。

    Combined with the practice of the complex relationship between various main interests , the subject of a forced auction sale in China at present social evaluation and implementation effects are not satisfactory .

  23. 在吸收我国强制拍卖实践和借鉴其他国家和地区的有益经验的基础上,提出了完善我国强制拍卖制度的可行性建议。

    Based on the law practice of our country and some good reform and perfection of other countries , bring forward the feasibility proposal to improve the mandatory auction system of our country .

  24. 审视法院强制拍卖的性质和法律效果可以发现,它们与拍卖法律关系主体的利益密切相关。

    Examine the nature and legal effect of the Court 's compulsory auction can be found and they are closely related to the interests of the subjects of legal relationships in the auction .

  25. 海事法院在强制拍卖船舶中,涉及多方当事人,只有理顺其中的法律关系,方能明确各方的权利义务。

    In the compulsory auction of ship by the admiralty court , several parties are involved , only straighten out the legal relationships among them can we specify all parties ' rights and duties .

  26. 虽然我国引入强制拍卖制度已有一些年头,但是相关理论研究和法律法规仍然欠缺,不能满足执行实践的需要。

    Although our country into forced auction system there has been some years , but the related theory research and related laws and regulations still lack , can not meet the needs of the executed practice .

  27. 民用航空器优先权不因民用航空器所有权的转让而消灭;但是,民用航空器经依法强制拍卖的除外。

    A civil aircraft lien shall not be extinguished because of the transference of the ownership of the civil aircraft ; except that the civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with law .

  28. 实践中,特别是在强制拍卖中案外人优先购买权的保护应予加强,只有这样才能使优先购买权真正的得到实现和救济。

    In practice , especially in the compulsory auction . The protection of the prior call to the person out of course should be strengthening . Only in this way could make the prior call actually be carrying out and get relief .

  29. 在法院强制拍卖过程当中,如果给买受人或其他利害关系人造成损失时,执行法院承担的不是违约责任而是侵权责任,在归责原则的适用上,应适用过错推定责任原则。

    In the process of the court compulsory auction , if the executive court damage the buyer or other interested party , it bears the liabilities not for breach of contract but for tort , and presumed fault principle should be used .

  30. 此前,由于银行提升了贷款保证金比例,即需要对冲基金提供更多的现金,否则他们就将面临强制拍卖资产的威胁,多家专门从事抵押贷款担保证券投资的对冲基金因此破产。

    The move follows the failure of several hedge funds specialising in mortgage-backed securities after banks increased the margin that must be put up against loans demanding more cash from the funds , with the threat of forced sales of assets if they could not deliver .