
  1. 然而,游客对旅游中介不公正待遇的抱怨在近些年来也有所增长,其中最典型、最常见的现象就是强制消费

    However , tourist complaints have mounted in recent years about irregularities in tour company operations , most typically over mandatory shopping excursions .

  2. 目前,我国的投资膨胀、信用扩张和少数生产资料涨价并未达到导致强制储蓄挤占消费的地步,宏观经济并未过热。

    Chinese economy is not overheating because the investment does not exceed the saving and lead to the forced saving .

  3. 从经济角度来看,我们需要政府效仿欧洲的做法,强制要求电子消费类公司出资建造用来回收利用或翻新这些材料的基础设施。

    From an economic perspective , we need government requirements , as they have in Europe , that obligate the consumer products companies to participate in funding the infrastructure to recover these materials for recycling or refurbishment .