
  • 网络starting price;Start Price
  1. 在分布式分配机制中,提出了三种策略用来确定执行任务的反应节点:竞拍策略、设定起拍价的竞拍策略、惰性策略。

    In the distributed assignment mechanism , there are three kinds of strategy for determining task assignment via the actor-actor coordination : auction strategy , auction strategy with starting price , idle strategy .

  2. 根据拍卖规则,每只狗的起拍价为200元,竞购人必须先观看一段狗狗的视频,然后才能出价。

    According to the auction ’ s rules , the starting bid for each dog is 200 yuan ( $ 30 ) but participants must first watch a video about their favored animal before being able to bid .

  3. 当拍卖会宣布起拍价时,几位买家包括3位据说排队竞标梵高(vanGogh)作品的买主似乎被吓住了。

    When early bidding flagged at the sale , several buyers - including three allegedly lined up to compete for a van Gogh - appeared to take fright .

  4. 第一号拍品,起拍价为100元。

    Lot1 , we start at ¥ 100 .

  5. 起拍价超过一万美元。

    The opening bid is over 10000 dollars .

  6. 拍卖标的起拍价的制定

    Initial bidding price making of auction subjects

  7. 据介绍,这些情书的起拍价为2.5万美元,目前拍价已升至4.25万美元。

    Bidding started at $ 25000 and is currently at $ 42500 , Legendary Auctions said .

  8. 那根薯条的起拍价为1新元(相当于75美分),到了昨天下午晚些时候,已经被拍到了3美元。

    The French fry attracted an initial bid of one dollar ( 75 US cents ) , rising to three dollars by late afternoon Wednesday .

  9. 陈年名酒专场不仅创下高价新纪录,而且整场拍卖的成交率也达到100%,多个标的超过起拍价十倍甚至几十倍落槌。

    Besides record transaction price , the auction also set100 percent sale rate record and many liquors were sold a dozen or scores times of their base prices .

  10. 今年,动物园牛仔裤将于8月1日在网络拍卖平台上开售,起拍价是每条税后98000日元(合956.55美元)。

    This year 's Zoo Jeans will be sold online on August 1st , with auctions starting at 98000 yen ( US $ 957.55 ) , plus tax , per pair .

  11. 这位现年54岁曾出演《搏击俱乐部》的男演员,最后还是没有中标。起拍价在2万美元(折合1万5千英镑),在众星云集的拍卖现场最终落入一个籍籍无名的人名下。

    The Fight Club actor , 54 , sadly lost the bidding battle , which opened at $ 20000 ( 15000 ) , to an unknown attendee at the star-studded occasion .