
  • 网络kIa;Kia Motor
  1. 现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)及其关联公司起亚汽车(KiaMotors)是最新感受到这股寒意的韩国公司。

    Hyundai Motor and affiliate Kia Motors are the latest to feel the chill .

  2. 现代集团的成员起亚汽车(KiaMotors)也在增加对华投资。

    Kia Motors , a Hyundai affiliate , is also increasing its investment in China .

  3. 阿迪达斯与国际足联的合同要一直到2030年,而韩国汽车制造商现代/起亚汽车(Hyundai/KiaMotors)与国际足联的合同也要一直到2022年。

    Adidas ' contract with Fifa runs through 2030 , while that of Korean carmaker Hyundai / Kia Motors , for example , runs through 2022 .

  4. EPA官员表示,他们在审计节油型汽车生产项目的过程中发现了现代及起亚汽车的问题。

    E.P.A. officials said they discovered the problems with the Hyundai and Kia vehicles in the course of auditing fuel-economy manufacturing programs .

  5. 我们为您提供韩国现代汽车、起亚汽车、GM大宇汽车和双龙汽车原装和品牌汽车零部件。

    We are providing you with all kinds of auto parts as genuine or maker brand products for Korean cars of Hyundai motors , Kia motors , GM Daewoo and Ssangyong motors .

  6. 2012年,同属现代汽车集团(HyundaiMotorGroup)的现代汽车和起亚汽车,承认夸大了之前两年在美销售的车辆的节油能力。

    In 2012 , Hyundai and Kia , which are both owned by the Hyundai Motor Group , admitted that they had overstated the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States over the previous two years .

  7. 以下是起亚汽车公司身份的核心内容的简要指南。

    The following is a summary guide to the core elements of the Kia Motors Corporation identity .

  8. 噢,还有二战时对起亚汽车,还有巴斯市民的经典回忆。

    Oh , there 's also a memorial for KIAs of World War Second , of the Bath citizens .

  9. 连同其子公司起亚汽车,该集团去年占据了国内汽车市场73%的庞大份额。

    Along with its Kia subsidiary , it took a colossal 73 % of the local car market last year .

  10. 起亚汽车颜色在表现公司方面起着非常重要的作用,在整个公司身份计划中都有应用。

    Kia Motors color system plays an important part in symbolizing the company and is used throughout the corporate identity program .

  11. 有关不同语言的经销商名称的详情请咨询起亚汽车代表,以符合当地的要求。

    Please consult with Kia Motors representative for more detail information on dealer name of different language to suit local requirement .

  12. 调查显示,起亚汽车和本田汽车在女性买主比例中分列二、三位,女性买主分别占到了47%和46%。

    Following Mini with the women were Kia Motors Corp ( 47 percent ) and Honda Motors Co Ltd ( 46 percent ) branded vehicles , according to the study .

  13. 这保证了客户在该设施穿行时,起亚的汽车总能最充分地向客户展示。

    This ensures that the Kia vehicles are constantly being best displayed to the customer as they journey through the facility .

  14. 就在韩国的汽车制造商在美国销售现代(Hyundai)汽车和起亚(Kia)汽车刚开始盈利的当口,国内销量却正在下降。

    While Korea 's car makers are managing to turn a profit selling Hyundais and Kias in the U.S , at home , sales are contracting .

  15. 我们求购丰田、本田、起亚、尼桑等汽车适用的汽车点火线圈,请与我们联系。

    Looking for TO BUY AUTO Ignition Coils . PLS CONTACT US .

  16. 据韩国当地媒体《Newsis》引用的行业数据显示,相比于去年,今年三月份现代及其子公司起亚在中国的汽车销量分别仅为56026辆和16006辆,分别下跌了44.3%和68%。

    Auto sales in China by Hyundai and its affiliate Kia numbered 56026 units and 16006 units each in March , down 44.3 percent and 68 percent compared with a year earlier , according to industry data cited by Newsis local news agency .

  17. 柱台位于每座起亚设施处,引导人们进入起亚汽车的地点。

    Pylons are placed at every Kia facility to guide people to Kia Motors locations .