
  • 网络Kia
  1. 现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)及其关联公司起亚汽车(KiaMotors)是最新感受到这股寒意的韩国公司。

    Hyundai Motor and affiliate Kia Motors are the latest to feel the chill .

  2. 然后是GT控制的起亚。

    Then there 's Kia with the GT for a steer .

  3. 现代集团的成员起亚汽车(KiaMotors)也在增加对华投资。

    Kia Motors , a Hyundai affiliate , is also increasing its investment in China .

  4. 阿迪达斯与国际足联的合同要一直到2030年,而韩国汽车制造商现代/起亚汽车(Hyundai/KiaMotors)与国际足联的合同也要一直到2022年。

    Adidas ' contract with Fifa runs through 2030 , while that of Korean carmaker Hyundai / Kia Motors , for example , runs through 2022 .

  5. 此种绿色的起亚出租车内置GPS导航系统,司机都是有专业驾驶经验的女性,女乘客从早上6点至晚上10点期间可以随时打电话叫车。

    Female passengers can call the company from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm for a green-colored Kia cab driven by " professional and experienced women " and equipped with GPS navigation systems .

  6. EPA官员表示,他们在审计节油型汽车生产项目的过程中发现了现代及起亚汽车的问题。

    E.P.A. officials said they discovered the problems with the Hyundai and Kia vehicles in the course of auditing fuel-economy manufacturing programs .

  7. 我们为您提供韩国现代汽车、起亚汽车、GM大宇汽车和双龙汽车原装和品牌汽车零部件。

    We are providing you with all kinds of auto parts as genuine or maker brand products for Korean cars of Hyundai motors , Kia motors , GM Daewoo and Ssangyong motors .

  8. 2012年,同属现代汽车集团(HyundaiMotorGroup)的现代汽车和起亚汽车,承认夸大了之前两年在美销售的车辆的节油能力。

    In 2012 , Hyundai and Kia , which are both owned by the Hyundai Motor Group , admitted that they had overstated the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States over the previous two years .

  9. 底特律车系在美国市场份额上升了0.2%,从而达到44%的市场占有率[韩国的现代(Hyundai)和起亚(Kia)占据了其余的市场份额]。

    Detroit picked up two-tenths of a percent , expanding to 44 % ( Hyundai and Kia gobbled up the rest ) .

  10. 而进入美国市场比它完了20年的现代(Hyundai)与起亚(Kia)却开发了更丰富的产品线,销量已经是斯巴鲁的好几倍。

    Hyundai and Kia , which arrived two decades later , have developed broader product lines and sell several times more vehicles .

  11. 其中大众公司(Volkswagen)新车的平均成交价最高,达到33368美元,起亚/现代(Kia/Hyundai)最低,为22121美元。

    Volkswagen had the highest average transaction price on new vehicles sold last month at $ 33,368 and Kia / Hyundai the lowest at $ 22,121 .

  12. 媒体上有关他们的新闻都被挤到了不起眼的位置,而关于现代(Hyundai)、起亚(Kia)和德国汽车厂商的新闻却屡屡抢占了头条。

    News of their activities has been pushed to the back pages while Hyundai , Kia , and German automakers dominate the headlines .

  13. 进口品牌:最近进入美国汽车市场的韩国起亚(Kia)再一次证明了它是个快速学习型的企业。

    Import brands : Kia , the newest full-line manufacturer in the U.S. car scene , proved again that it is a fast learner .

  14. 就在韩国的汽车制造商在美国销售现代(Hyundai)汽车和起亚(Kia)汽车刚开始盈利的当口,国内销量却正在下降。

    While Korea 's car makers are managing to turn a profit selling Hyundais and Kias in the U.S , at home , sales are contracting .

  15. 就其车内的大空间设计而言,菲亚特500L在美国的竞争对手包括小众的可爱呆瓜日产Cube(厂商建议零售价16760美元(约合人民币10.4万元))和起亚秀尔(KiaSoul)。

    In terms of its big-on-the-inside packaging , the 500L 's competitors in the U.S. include niche-y , adorable blockheads Nissan Cube ( $ 16760 MSRP ) and Kia Soul .

  16. 该市是现代和三星旗下全球研讨中心的所在地,同时也是起亚和LG电子旗舰工程所在地。

    It 's home to the global research facilities of Hyundai ( HYMTF ) and Samsung ( SSNLF ) , as well as flagship plants for Kia and LG Electronics .

  17. 起亚的扩张计划目标宏大,而且没人认为它会被巨额债务压成“另一个大宇(daewoo)”。

    Kia has ambitious expansion plans and no one can bank on it " doing another Daewoo " by collapsing under a mountain of debt .

  18. 两家韩国制造商,现代及其合作伙伴起亚,今年推出了他们的第一辆800v电动汽车。

    Two South Korean producers , Hyundai and its partner Kia , launched their first 800v vehicles this year .

  19. 过去几年来,在朝鲜半岛两国相安无事的大背景下,现代汽车(Hyundai)及其姊妹品牌起亚(Kia)在美国市场异军突起,日益受到美国消费者追捧。

    The remarkable rise in popularity of Hyundai and sister brand Kia with U.S. car buyers has largely unfolded over the past few years against a backdrop of calm on the Korean Peninsula .

  20. 今年前5个月,现代连同其旗下品牌起亚(Kia)在美国的市场份额增长了1.4%,而通用(GM)、福特(F)及克莱斯勒(Chrysler)三家只取得了0.9%的增长。

    In the first five months of the year , Hyundai and its affiliate Kia together added 1.4 points of U.S. market share , compared with a collective gain of 0.9 points for General Motors ( GM ) , Ford ( f ) , and Chrysler .

  21. 新翼虎与新款福克斯依托于同一平台,起价为22500美元,它的竞争对手是本田(Honda)CR-V、丰田RAV4、马自达CX-5和起亚智跑(KiaSportage)等紧凑型SUV。

    The new escape , based on the same architecture as the new Ford Focus , starts at $ 22,500 and competes against the Honda CR-V , Toyota RAV4 , Mazda cx-5 and Kia Sportage .

  22. 起亚的每一步行动都考虑消费者的生活方式。

    Customers lifestyles are always considered in every move at kia .

  23. 我们求购丰田、本田、起亚、尼桑等汽车适用的汽车点火线圈,请与我们联系。

    Looking for TO BUY AUTO Ignition Coils . PLS CONTACT US .

  24. 新起亚狮跑。一个多一点冒险。

    The new Kia Sportage . A bit more adventurous .

  25. 它的市场份额已升至5%,加上其起亚分公司的话,就能达到9%。

    In terms of market share , it is up to 5 % .

  26. 复地的变革起亚轿车是美国经销商很多准备。

    The Transformative KIA Forte Sedan is on US Dealer lots ready to go .

  27. 背光的标识呈现出高层次的外观,强调起亚高度的设计抱负。

    The backlit logo renders high-class appearance and emphasizes kia 's high design aspirations .

  28. 柱台是起亚新的初级认同中最重要的元素。

    The pylon is the most important element of the new primary identification at kia .

  29. 再论汽车工业的结构调整&兼评韩国起亚集团倒闭原因

    A Discussion on Auto Industry Structural Adjustment

  30. 它们是重要的接触点,帮助将起亚的形象与客户进行沟通。

    They are important touch points that help communicate the Kia image to our audiences .