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qǐ yuán
  • origin;source;beginning;genesis;derivation;derive;appear;appearance;birth;provenance;rise in;seed;pedigree
起源 [qǐ yuán]
  • [origin] 事物产生的根源

  • 生命的起源

起源[qǐ yuán]
  1. 关于宇宙起源问题,科学家仍进行着激烈辩论。

    The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated by scientists .

  2. 他们讨论了几种相互矛盾的生命起源理论。

    They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life .

  3. 这种疾病据说起源于热带地区。

    The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics .

  4. 这一特殊风俗起源于威尔士。

    This particular custom has its origins in Wales .

  5. 这个故事的起源由于年代久远而变得模糊不清。

    The origins of the story are lost in the mists of time .

  6. 弗拉明科起源于阿拉伯音乐。

    Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music .

  7. 地球上的哺乳动物起源于何时?

    When did mammals appear on the earth ?

  8. 摇滚乐起源于布鲁斯。

    Rock music came out of the blues .

  9. 生命起源的确切详情仍是个谜。

    The precise details of the origins of life remain hidden .

  10. 他的演讲阐述了冲突的起源。

    His speech was an exposition of the genesis of the conflict .

  11. 骑牛赛没有实际意义,其起源比较令人费解。

    The origins of bull-riding , which serves no practical purpose , are murkier .

  12. 这一习俗的起源鲜为人知。

    The origin of the custom is obscure

  13. 室内网球,现代网球运动的古老前身,起源于11世纪。

    Real tennis , an ancient precursor of the modern game , originated in the eleventh century

  14. 有关生命起源前后发生了什么,我们通过实验和观察得出了一些证据。

    We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life .

  15. 现在,我们也许能够更加清楚地了解宇宙生成的年代,并且解答关于人类起源最为深奥的问题之一。

    We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe , and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins .

  16. 众所周知,茶起源于中国。

    It is well-known that tea originated in China .

  17. 这一节日起源于宗教仪式。

    This festival originates from a religious rite .

  18. 这个国家的起源似乎奥秘莫测。

    The origin of this nation is wrapped in profound mystery .

  19. 这场争吵起源于误解。

    The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding .

  20. 它起源于美国。

    It originated on American soil .

  21. 一切知识起源于劳动。

    All knowledge originates from labour .

  22. 人起源于猿猴。

    Men descended from apes .

  23. 生命是怎样起源的?

    How did life begin ?

  24. 小细胞肺癌是神经内分泌肿瘤,起源于apud(胺前体摄取脱羧化)细胞。

    Small cell lung cancer is neuroendocrine neoplasm and origins from apud ( amine precursor uptake decarboxylation ) cell .

  25. 我们还不能满意地解释宇宙的起源。

    We can 't yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe .

  26. 没有一个容易想象的模型可以适当地解释它的起源。

    There is no easily visualizable mode that can explain its origin properly .

  27. 他只谈到奏鸣曲的结构,而未及于它的起源。

    He only talked about the structure of the sonata without mentioning its origin .

  28. 达尔文对许多事实加以归纳,得出了他对于人类起源的观点。

    Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man .

  29. 布朗大学的尤佳·佐木和她的同事们开始探寻这一效应的起源。

    Yuka Sasaki and her colleagues at Brown University set out to investigate the origins of this effect .

  30. 今天,这里仍有许多人来往——他们来看加拿大淘金热的起源地。

    Today , people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened .