
  • THE WIND RISES;The wind is rising;the Wind Blows
  1. 他的最后一部动画长片是《起风了》,讲的是日本飞机设计师堀越二郎的故事。

    His final feature-length movie was slated to be " The Wind Rises , " the story of Japanese aircraft designer Jiro Horikoshi .

  2. 2013年,《起风了》在日本上映时,宫崎骏宣布这将是自己的最后一部动画长片,在他的奥斯卡奖获奖致辞和《梦与狂想的王国》中,有迹象表明他已经心满意足。

    Mr. Miyazaki has announced that " The Wind Rises , " released in 2013 in Japan , will be his last feature film , and in his Oscar speech and in " The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness " there are indications that he 's had enough .

  3. 起风了。

    The wind is rising .

  4. 是不是有点起风了?

    It 's a bit windy , isn 't it ?

  5. 起风了,看来天气要变坏。

    It looks as if it 's blowing up for bad weather .

  6. 起风了,云聚了,下雨了。

    The wind blew , the clouds gathered , the rain fell .

  7. 起风了,雨点忽然落下来。

    A wind arose , and rain drops began falling all at once .

  8. 起风了,要来暴风雨了。

    The wind is working up for a storm .

  9. 这时起风了,小帆船顺风行驶。

    Then a wind arose , and the little sailing boat filled away .

  10. 起风了,雾也越来越浓。

    The wind was blowing and the fog seemed to be getting thicker .

  11. 起风了,那些植物开始摇晃起来,叶子也开始倾倒。

    The wind rose and the plant began to shake , tipping the leaf .

  12. 起风了,暴风雨伴随冷空气接踵而至。

    The wind picks up , cold air moving in front of the storm .

  13. 又起风了,先生!

    Man-Wind 's coming back , sir !

  14. 近黄昏时,开始起风了。

    The wind woke toward evening .

  15. 惬意的两小时过后,海上起风了,所以我们向港口返航,度过了最美妙的海上时光。

    After a relaxing two hours the wind came up and so we had a most enjoyable time actually sailing back to port .

  16. 我们那天在学校转了半天,忘了说些什么了,只记得后来起风了,春天的风总是夹带着沙尘。

    We turned on at school , forgot to say what , just remember later wind , the spring wind is always with dust .

  17. 树叶飘落,起风了,田野中夏日的棉花变成了冬日里如羊毛般的白雪。

    The leaves fall , the wind blows , and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools . ( Henry Beston )

  18. 上次采访时,是您的电影《起风了》即将在美国上映的时候,之后您宣布要退休。

    The last time we spoke , your film The Wind Rises was just about to open in the U.S. and you had recently announced your retirement .

  19. 要起风了,吉姆。希尔弗说。他对我的态度这时已经变得十分友好而亲切。

    ' There 's a breeze coming , Jim , ' said Silver , who had , by this time , adopted quite a friendly and familiar tone .

  20. 媚兰没有再说什么,屋里鸦雀无声,在沉寂中,思嘉听见外面起风了。

    Silence fell dully in the room as Melanie did not take up the conversation again and , in the silence , Scarlett heard the rising wind outside .

  21. 9月6日,日本奇幻动画大师宫崎骏发布新作《起风了》,之后便宣布退休。

    Hayao Miyazaki , the Japanese master of fantasy animation , announced his retirement on Sept 6 , after the recent release of his new film The Wind Rises .