
  • Totoro;My Neighbor Totoro;Tonari no Totoro
  1. 龙猫深为亚洲人民所喜爱,以至于后来当一种新的毛毛虫在越南被发现的时候,人们将其命名为“Eopepiparustotoro”,以此向这部动画片致敬。

    Totoro is so popular in Asia that when new species of velvet worm was recently discovered in Vietnam , it was named Eopepiparus totoro in homage to the film .

  2. 一个很好的例子就是宫崎骏电影《龙猫》中的那个11岁女孩。

    A famous example is the 11-year-old girl from Miyazaki 's film My Neighbor Totoro .

  3. 哺乳动物;各类;狗,猫,龙猫,香猪,刺猬

    Mammals ; types ; dogs , cats , chinchillas , pigs , hedgehogs

  4. 新鲜蔬菜是高水分含量的,应该避免食用,因为这些可能会造成膨胀的龙猫的肠胃,这可能是致命的。

    Fresh vegetables should be avoided as these can cause bloat in a chinchilla , which can be fatal .

  5. 1988年日本漫画家宫崎骏创造了龙猫这个深受人们喜爱的角色,这部动漫的名字就叫做《我的邻居龙猫》。

    Totoro is a beloved cartoon character created in 1988 by Japanese animator Hazao Miyazaki in My Neighbor Totoro .

  6. 龙猫是群居动物,所以如果你只养了一只,那么你就是它唯一的家人了。

    Chinchillas are very social animals , so if you only have one , you will become its family .

  7. 影片中,短发女孩五月遇见了毛茸茸的巨大怪物龙猫,并与其成为朋友。

    In the film , Satsuki , with short hair meets and befriends Totoro , a giant , furry creature .

  8. 在首映30年后,日本经典动画《龙猫》于日前终于在中国影院上映了。

    Japanese animation classic My Neighbour Totoro is finally being screened in Chinese cinemas , 30 years after it was first released .

  9. 也许吧,但是更有说服力的解释是,这些深色部分是龙猫让人超想拥抱的大肚子上的几簇灰毛。

    Perhaps , but the more likely explanation is that they 're the gray tufts of fur on Totoro 's eminently huggable tummy .

  10. 在《龙猫》中,山顶的大树上居住着许多奇幻生物,片中的家庭成员对这棵大树崇敬有加。

    In My Neighbor Totoro , a great tree tops a hillside on which magical creatures reside , and the family worships the tree .

  11. 如果你也曾喜欢龙猫的笨拙和亲切,或像小魔女一样迫不及待地去看世界;

    If you have clumsy and kind of like Totoro , or the same as the little witch could not wait to see the world ;

  12. 这些动物中有兔子,天竺鼠,龙猫和鸟类。每个囚犯负责给自己的宠物喂食喂水。

    The animals include rabbits , guinea pigs , chinchillas and birds , and each prisoner is responsible for feeding and watering their own pets .

  13. 这部由吉卜力工作室制作、著名导演宫崎骏执导的电影,讲述了两姐妹遇到龙猫和其他森林生物的故事。

    The film , by Studio Ghibli and famed director Hayao Miyazaki , follows the story of two sisters who encounter Totoro and other forest creatures .

  14. 因此该片的上映意义重大。为了庆祝《龙猫》上映,中国本土营销团队还请人设计了一款超赞的新海报。

    As such , the movie 's opening is a big deal , and to celebrate , the local marketing team has commissioned a gorgeous new poster .

  15. 尽管有些观众将《龙猫》和《爱丽丝梦游仙境》相比,但据说这部电影的灵感源自导演宫崎骏本人的成长经历。

    While some viewers draw parallels with Alice in Wonderland , the film was said to have been inspired by director Hayao Miyazaki 's own experiences growing up .

  16. 《魔法公主》高居日本电影史上卖座片的第二名;而《龙猫》不仅吸引了大批观众,而且还在另一个领域取得巨大成功。

    Princess Mononoke is the second-biggest box-office hit in Japanese movie history , and My Neighbor Totoro , as well as attracting huge audiences , was successful in another way .

  17. 尽管迄今为止没有任何一部吉卜力电影在中国影院正式上映过,但是龙猫早已深受中国人的喜爱(许多国人已经通过其他媒介认识了龙猫)。

    But even though no Ghibli films have officially screened in Chinese theaters until now , Totoro is already much loved in China , thanks to alternative media distribution methods .

  18. 票房第二名是宫崎骏的动漫电影《龙猫》,该片自12月14日上映以后,票房创收超过8900万元。

    Second place went to Hayao Miyazaki 's animation My Neighbor Totoro , which has taken in over 89 million yuan at the box office since its release on Dec 14 .

  19. 《龙猫》在大陆上映后大获成功,票房超过2600万美元,鉴于《千与千寻》经久不衰的人气,人们普遍预计它的票房表现会更好。

    The Totoro release was a huge box office success with more than $ 26 million , and Spirited Away is widely expected to perform even better given its enduring popularity .

  20. 曾经带给我们《龙猫》、《千与千寻》以及《哈尔的移动城堡》等作品的日本导演宫崎骏,于2013年宣布退休。

    Hayao Miyazaki , the Japanese filmmaker who brought us " My Neighbor Totoro , " " Spirited Away " and " Howl 's Moving Castle , " announced his retirement in 2013 .

  21. 这是吉卜力工作室目前在中国上映的第二部电影,第一部是数字修复版的《龙猫》,去年12月在中国大陆影院上映。

    It 's currently the second Studio Ghibli film to make its way in China , the first being My Neighbor Totoro which was digitally remastered and shown in Chinese mainland cinemas last December .

  22. 从外形上看,科学家们的灵感应该不是来源于龙猫,而是片中的另一个角色——小猫公交车,它的腿和这种毛毛虫的脚十分相像。

    Visually , the scientists were inspired not so much by the character Totoro itself , but by the " cat bus " in the same movie , whose multiple pairs of legs resemble the velvet worm 's.

  23. 例如,《龙猫》中,两个小女孩拥有异于成人的能力——她们可以看到精灵世界。又如,在《悬崖上的金鱼公主》当中,一个男孩与海中精灵成了朋友。

    For example , My Neighbor Totoro features two young girls who , unlike adults , can see the spirit world , and in Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea a boy befriends a magic creature from the sea .

  24. 本月,《龙猫》将成为第一部在中国正式上映的吉卜力电影,该片的数字修复版于12月14日在中国首映。

    This month , though , " My Neighbor Totoro " will become the first Studio Ghibli film to have a theatrical release in the country , with a digitally remastered version of the film set to premiere on Dec 14 .

  25. 《龙猫》受人喜爱还因为该片的“纯真”——影片中没有坏人,也没有打斗场面。手绘的乡村田园景色重点是要唤起人们对大自然的爱。

    My Neighbour Totoro is also often celebrated for its " innocence " - there are no villains or fight scenes - and its hand-drawn scenes of idyllic country fields , placing a strong emphasis on cultivating an appreciation for nature .

  26. 龙猫这种没什么异味,跟兔子大小差不多,而且皮毛浓密,连寄生虫都很难滋长,性情温和的来自南美安第斯山脉的小家伙成为室内宠物的首选。

    Chinchillas Odorless , about the size of a rabbit and with fur so dense that they can 't get pests such as fleas , the friendly creature originally from the Andes Mountains in South America makes an ideal indoor pet .

  27. 有些人可能对《龙猫》的故事不熟悉,这部动画电影讲述的是小月和小梅两个小姐妹的故事,她们随父亲搬到了乡下的一栋房子里,在探索周围的林地时,她们邂逅了各种大自然的精灵。

    For those who aren 't familiar with the story , " My Neighbor Totoro " focuses on two young sisters , Mei and Satsuki , who move to a countryside home with their father , where they encounter various nature spirits while exploring the surrounding forests and fields .

  28. 他令人惊叹的绘画技巧、引人入胜的故事情节和充满活力的人物使其多部作品成为影坛上不朽佳作,如《魔法公主》和《龙猫》。在日本他广受各年龄段人的喜爱,也赢得全世界漫画家与制片人的一致赞赏。

    His amazing drawing skills , entertaining plots , and well-rounded characters have made timeless masterpieces out of films such as " Princess Mononoke " and " My Neighbor Totoro . " He is widely respected by Japanese of all ages , and has won the admiration of animators and filmmakers around the world .

  29. 如上所述,《龙猫》是在中国影院正式上映的第一部吉卜力电影,如果票房不错,我们很可能会看到吉卜力的其他电影(除了《龙猫》还有20部)在国内上映。但愿也有同样美丽的海报。

    As mentioned above , " My Neighbor Totoro " is the first Ghibli film to have a theatrical release in China , but if it does well at the box office , we can probably expect to see some of the studio 's 20 other films get a similar treatment , and hopefully similarly beautiful posters .