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lóng zhōu
  • dragon boat
龙舟 [lóng zhōu]
  • [dragon boat] 狭长的龙形舟船,多人同时划动数浆,用作竞渡比赛

  • 赛龙舟

龙舟[lóng zhōu]
  1. B:除了龙舟赛,这一天还有什么特别的活动吗?

    B : Other than the Dragon Boat Races , what 's special about this day ?

  2. A:是的,是端午节,不过(英文中)通常叫做龙舟节。

    A : Yup , Duan Wu Festival , but it 's also just simply called the Dragon Boat Festival .

  3. 我想我会去参加龙舟比赛。

    I think I 'll join in on the boat competitions .

  4. 信号弹划过上空,龙舟夺标开始了

    As the starter 's gun booms , the boats spring into action .

  5. 现在赛龙舟已经发展变成一个水上运动,它既是中国(china)的传统特点也展现了现代体育精神。

    Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item which features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit .

  6. 外界普遍猜测,亚马逊(Amazon)将很快通过内部称为的“龙舟”项目(DragonBoat),将自己打造为全球运输和物流专家。

    Speculation is rife that Amazon is soon to establish itself as a global shipping and logistics expert , in a move coined internally as project ' Dragon Boat . "

  7. 今天是端午节(DragonBoat)赛龙舟日,当地人奋力划桨,龙舟在浪花中上下翻飞,活动一板一眼,看得赏心悦目,与其说象海峡对岸香港举办的龙舟赛那样活力四射,倒不如说更象一场普通的校运会。

    It was Dragon Boat racing day , and the locals were paddling their craft up and down . It was delightfully restrained , more like a school sports day than the razzmatazz of the same event going on at the same time just across the Taiwan Strait in Hong Kong .

  8. 龙舟竞渡是中华民族传统体育项目之一。

    Dragon boat race is one of the traditional Chinese sports .

  9. 龙舟运动员身体素质训练分析

    Major Composition Analysis on Physical Constitution Training for Dragon boat Sportsman

  10. 红壤处理厦门龙舟池海水的试验研究

    Treatment of Seawater from Longzhou Pool in Xiamen by Red Soil

  11. 当然,在龙舟赛当天,更多的人感受了中国式的热闹。

    No doubt , more people enjoyed Dragon Boat Race in2007 .

  12. 江西龙舟文化的特征及其发展趋势

    The Characteristics and the Trend of the Dragon-boat Culture in Jiangxi

  13. 我每天都和龙舟队一起训练。

    I 'm training every day with my dragon boat team .

  14. 当时咱俩每人率领一支龙舟队进行比赛。

    Each of US led a dragon-boat team in the race .

  15. 把龙舟节的来历告诉我好吗?

    Could you tell me the origin of the Dragon-boat Festival ?

  16. 京晶:那赛龙舟的习俗又从何而来呢?

    Where does the tradition of dragon boats come from then ?

  17. 我们都去看龙舟比赛。

    We all go to see the Dragon Boat race .

  18. 我很兴奋,因为龙舟节就要到了。

    I am very excited because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming .

  19. 吃粽子和赛龙舟是中国许多地方的风俗。

    There are more in other places of the country .

  20. 贡多拉是一种狭长的小船,类似于我们的龙舟船。

    A narrow small boat similar to our dragon boat .

  21. 苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析

    Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality

  22. 当然,我还希望我们能继续赢得和(牛津)的龙舟赛。

    And we want to keep winning the Boat Race .

  23. 但最精彩的场面都是赛龙舟。

    But the highlight is always the Dragon Boat Race .

  24. 我国各族的龙舟赛略有不同。

    The dragon boat races of all ethnic groups is slightly different .

  25. 赛龙舟是节日里最令人刺激的一部分。

    Dragon boat races are the most exciting part of the festival .

  26. 龙舟运动等传统体育项目对农村体育的积极作用。

    Dragon Boat play an active role in rural sports .

  27. 抓特色体育赛龙舟促进城市经济和社会快速发展

    Promote the Development of Economy and Society through Dragon-boat Race

  28. 文化形态学视野下的中国龙舟运动文化特征

    Cultural features of Chinese dragon boat racing from perspective of cultural morphology

  29. 中国龙舟运动发展的文化研究综述

    Summary of the cultural study on the development of Chinese dragon-boat race

  30. 龙舟节总是在五月或六月。

    Dragon Boat Festival is always in May or June .