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  • 网络flying skill;Dodge
  1. 他师承少林,轻功绝世,踏雪无痕。(当他在雪地奔跑时,不会留下任何足迹)

    When he plays on snow , he doesn 't leave any footprints .

  2. 我听说,打他懂事起就一直练轻功。

    I heard that he learned Light Gong Fu for most of his life .

  3. 克里斯,高六尺十寸,华府大学出身,虽初入江湖涉世未深,却凭借高超的轻功闯出一番天地。

    Chriss , a 6-foot-10 forward out of University of Washington , lacks experience and feel for the game , but he 's an athletic specimen who jumps like he 's wearing rockets for sneakers .

  4. 妈妈难道会轻功,我还没来得及想时,妈妈一看满脸委屈的弟弟,就不分青红皂白的说了我一顿,我鼻子一酸,竟然哭了。

    Is her mother will Qinggong , I have not enough time to think , do face a wronged mother 's brother , the indiscriminate that my meal , my nose an acid , even tears .

  5. 武术是一种集拳术、气功、轻功为一体的传统体育运动,具有竞技和健身价值,尤其对培养道德品质有着十分重要的作用。

    Martial arts is a set of boxing , qigong , light achievement for the integration of traditional sports , with competitive and fitness value , especially for cultivating moral character plays a very important role .

  6. 我很喜欢这部剧,通常来说我不粉中剧(脱离物理常识的各种轻功让我接受不了),我更倾向韩剧,不过这部剧实在很让人惊讶,等不及接下来的情节发展。

    I am loving this show ! im normally not a really big fan of Chinese dramas , ( the total lack of regard for physics is to much for my brain sometimes ) I tend to like Korean dramas more , but this show is awesome . I cant wait to find out what happens next .