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  1. 楚共王站在架有高台的战车上观察晋军的动静。

    Duke Gong of Chu stood on a high platform built on chariot and watched the movements of the Jin army .

  2. 穆王之后,也就是在周共王、周懿王、周孝王、周夷王和周厉王在位期间,王朝的威望逐步衰退,皇族与人民之间的矛盾浮现出来。

    After King Mu and throughout the reigns of King Gong , King Yi , King Xiao , King Yi and King Li , the prestige of the dynasty gradually declined and contradictions between the royal house and the people began to surface .

  3. 周自公元前770年周平王东迁洛邑,到公元前256年被秦所灭,共传二十五王,前后经历了514年。

    Eastern Zhou Dynasty came into being in 770 B. C. , when King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyi , and ended in 256 B.C. , when conquered by the Qin , lasting 514 years under the reign of 25 kings .

  4. 所罗门王从以色列人中挑取服苦的人共有三万,王上7:1所罗门为自己建造宫室、三年方才造成。

    " Then King Solomon got together men for the forced work through all Israel , thirty thousand men in number ;" Now Solomon was building his own house thirteen years , and he finished all his house .