
There are still many legends about the water-control of the Great Yu , battle between the Great Yu and Gong Gonq . and so on .
It was said that , after a failed war gong gong brain ashamed into anger butted into not on the last day , the pillars to breaking .
One day , the Deity of Water Gong Gong and the Deity of Fire Zhu Rong had a fierce fight , and Gong Gong was badly defeated .
Historical records say Gong Gong clans was long there in He Luo area and between west Yu area and south Jin area was the central territory of Gong Gong clan .
This paper claims that " Gun 's blocking up the flood " and " Gonggong 's re - energizing waters " are in fact different legends developed from the same historical fact .
Gong Gong is the water god in ancient Chinese historiography and the devil of floods , and its change of role dates back to the Rao Xun Dynasty . They always connected water with their attitude .
He should play with burned incense in magical darkness , showing that the God of Golden Flower has arrived . One day , the Deity of Water Gong Gong and the Deity of Fire Zhu Rong had a fierce fight , and Gong Gong was badly defeated .