
ɡònɡ mínɡ xiānɡ
  • resonator;sound box
  1. 琴颈颇长,有两个大小不一的共鸣箱,箱面罩一层薄羊膜。

    It has a long neck and a double bellied sound box , over which is streched a thin sheep skin membrane .

  2. 2000汉诺威博览会瑞士馆共鸣箱,德国

    Sound box , swiss pavilion , expo 2000 , hanover , germany , 1996-2000

  3. 苗族与侗族的芦笙,其共鸣箱用木板制做;

    The Miao and Dong people make their resonator with wooden plates ;

  4. 响沙、沙响与共鸣箱之奥秘

    Secret of Sounding Sand , Sand Sounding and Resonator

  5. 吉他(不包括不带共鸣箱的电子吉他)

    Guitar ( excl. electronic guitars without soundboxed )

  6. 阮的琴身是一个扁圆形的共鸣箱,由面板、背板和框板胶合而成。

    Ruan piano oblate who is a resonance box , panels , backplanes and frame of plywood from .

  7. 口琴的“共鸣箱”是吹口琴的人:他们的手、口腔和上呼吸道。

    The " soundbox " of the harmonica is the person playing it-their hands , mouth and upper respiratory system .

  8. 政府与民众力量在民俗风情旅游发展中的运用&以广西三江侗族自治县为个案苗族与侗族的芦笙,其共鸣箱用木板制做;

    The Function of Government and Masses Force in the Development of Folk-custom Tourism ; The Miao and Dong people make their resonator with wooden plates ;

  9. 文章在建立小提琴共鸣箱参数化有限元模型的基础上,分析了共鸣箱面板和底板的弧度参数对其振动特性的影响。

    Based on the model of soundboard parameter finite term for violin , the article analyzed the radian parameter of both faceplate and soleplate of violin resonator influence upon the librations features .

  10. 由一个传声结构板和柱子和曲颈组成的三角架的弦乐器;弦连接颈和手拨共鸣箱。

    A stringed musical instrument that has a triangular frame consisting of a sounding board and a pillar and a curved neck ; the strings stretched between the neck and the soundbox are plucked with the fingers .