
  • 网络Republic Square;Trg republike;Piazza della Repubblica
  1. 几十年来,当地的共和国广场(PlacedelaRépublique)是一个大型环岛,矗立着脏脏的法兰西共和国象征玛丽安娜(Marianne)的旧雕像,是巴黎最没有生气的广场。

    The local Place de la R é publique , for decades a big roundabout with a dirty old statue of Marianne , symbol of the republic , was Paris 's drabbest square .

  2. 诗人雅克渠莱维尔(JacquesPrévert)在谈到上世纪40年代末的圣日耳曼时表示:“或许这需要一场战争来创建一个地区。”如今,恐怖主义创建了共和国广场。

    The poet Jacques Pr é vert said of late 1940s Saint-Germain , " Perhaps it takes a war to launch a quartier . " Now terrorism has launched R é publique .

  3. 共和国广场现在再次变成了一个朝圣之地。

    R é publique is now again a site of pilgrimage .

  4. 去年1月《查理周刊》恐袭当晚,数千人涌入共和国广场,碰巧的是,那个广场刚被重新设计。

    The evening of the Charlie attacks last January , thousands of people filled R é publique - which , by chance , had recently been redesigned .