
  1. 从折衷主义到复古主义&近代中国教会大学建筑形态的演变但在这一大背景下,基督教大学仍具有诸多特殊面相。

    Eclecticism to the Doctrine of " Back to the Ancients " & Formal Evolution of Chinese Christian University Architecture But the author also figures out the Christian university still kept some inherent characters under modern China history .

  2. 中国近代教会高等学校建筑初探

    A preliminary probe into architecture of missionary universities in modern China

  3. 中国教会大学的建筑形态构成以及由此而导致的中国传统建筑艺术复兴,是中西文化双向流动的特殊案例和有形史料。

    This is a special example and tangible historical resources of two-way flow of Chinese and Western cultures .

  4. 该作品运用了典型的西方、尤其是美式校园的设计手法,与教会大学的适应性建筑形成鲜明对比。

    This work employs a typical Western technique , underling the American campus design techniques . And it puts the missionary school practise of " Adaptable Building " in sharp contrast .

  5. 该文总结了西方教会在武汉办学的发展情况,叙述了几所著名的教会学校并分析武汉教会学校建筑特点。

    This article summarizes the development of western mission school in Wuhan , describes several well-known mission schools and analyzes the architectural characteristics of mission schools in Wuhan .