
jiào yì
  • religious doctrine;creed;theology;religious creed(doctrine);dogma;doctrine;teaching;tenet
教义 [jiào yì]
  • [theology;religious creed(doctrine)] 指一种宗教所信奉和宣扬的神学道理思想

教义[jiào yì]
  1. 论墨子的天鬼观非宗教教义

    Mohist God and Ghost Viewpoint is not Religious Doctrine

  2. 社会工作作为一门专业源于西方,其助人精神多来源于宗教教义,不可避免受相关价值观念的影响。

    As a profession , social work originates from the west and spirit of help-others originates from religious doctrine .

  3. 作为教皇他严守正统教义,赢得了广泛的支持。

    As pope he won wide support for his strict orthodoxy .

  4. 女人对男人的顺从是宗教教义的残迹。

    Obedience by women towards men is a remnant of religious teaching .

  5. 这个组织的教义和传教方式威胁到了社会的和谐统一。

    The group 's teaching and methods threatened social cohesion .

  6. 天主教会已经颁布了其教义纲要。

    The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings .

  7. 罗马教廷对堕胎的教义非常清楚:这是罪过。

    The Vatican 's teaching on abortion is clear : it is a sin

  8. 基督教中耶稣拯救灵魂的教义改变了很多人的生活。

    The church 's message of salvation has changed the lives of many .

  9. 宗教领袖之间就教义分歧问题问题争论激烈。

    Doctrinal differences were vigorously debated among religious leaders .

  10. 宗教教义中经常包含严格的性禁忌,这会给儿童留下“性是罪恶”的印象。

    Religious dogmas often include strong sexual taboos and can create in children the impression that sex is sinful .

  11. 他们说上帝让他们去西半球最贫困的国家传播教义。

    They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere .

  12. 他是个基督徒,必须遵守基督教的教义。

    As a Christian , he has to abide by Christian doctrine .

  13. 他拒绝接受任何宗教的教义。

    He refused to accept the dogmas of any religion .

  14. 从现代的角度看,这样的教义显得苛刻,甚至残酷。

    To modern eyes , such doctrines appear harsh , even cruel .

  15. 宗教议会开会考虑更改教义。

    The council met to consider changes to doctrine .

  16. 卡尔·施米特(CarlSchmitt)真正的思考角色,与其说是一个政治思想家,毋宁说是一个法律教义学家。

    Carl Schmitt is a legal dogmatist rather than a political thinker .

  17. 在美国内战之前的30年间,最能代表进步的新教教义的政党当属辉格党(WhigParty)。

    The political party that best represented progressive Protestantism in the three decades prior to the Civil War was the Whig Party .

  18. 没有什么比美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)在打响南北战争第一枪的《圣经》地带(Biblebelt)小镇,强调基督教恩典教义更让人吃惊的时刻了。

    There was no starker moment than President Barack Obama urging the Christian doctrine of grace on the bible belt in the town where the first shot of the civil war was fired .

  19. 相反的,Windows则允许对教义进行自由的解释,并且认为不是所有的想法都可以最终解决问题。这些道理至今仍然受用,但是很显然,苹果已经开始改变并且将进一步改革。

    By contrast , Windows allows free interpretation of scripture * and takes for granted the idea that not all can achieve salvation . This still rings true today , but Apple is clearly going through a Reformation .

  20. 就连他也是非教义的一神论教会(UnitarianChurch)的成员,更喜欢把自己称作非有神论者,而不是无神论者,而且拒绝就本文接受采访。

    Even he is a member of the non-doctrinal Unitarian Church , prefers to refer to himself as non-theist rather than atheist , and refused to be interviewed for this piece .

  21. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,为期两周的教会会议将围绕着革新派与保守派就教义解释上的冲突展开。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the running up to 2-week-long meeting known as Synod is being marked by clashes between progressives and conservatives over interpretation of church teaching .

  22. 12世纪晚期,教义严格的禅宗进入日本,随后shojinryori(精料理,即佛教斋菜)的广泛传播让普通民众也吃上了豆腐。

    The arrival of strict Zen sects in the late 12th century and the subsequent spread of shojin Ryori ( Buddhist vegetarian cooking ) made tofu more available to the general public .

  23. 它们宣扬绝对尊重民族主权的教义。

    They preach a doctrine of absolute respect for national sovereignty .

  24. 这些事业具有什么样的教义基础和宗教价值?

    What doctrinal foundations and religious values do these enterprises have ?

  25. 原罪是基督教神学的核心概念,是整个基督教教义得以阐发的逻辑起点。

    The original sin is the essential concept of Christian theology .

  26. 反对英国国教教义的人在过去可判巨额罚款。

    Those who dissented from Anglican teachings could is heavily fined .

  27. 信仰教条与教义的学派或体系。

    A particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings .

  28. 英国国教会是否会因为教义某些方面的不同而分裂?

    Will the Anglican Church break apart over aspects of doctrine ?

  29. 事实上,仁是他教义的精髓。

    In fact , benevolence is the essence of his teachings .

  30. 他信仰基督教教义和婚姻的圣洁。

    He believed in Christian values and the sanctity of marriage .