
  • 网络educational experiment;pedagogical experiment;educational experimentation
  1. 本研究主要采用调查和教育实验等方法。

    Our principal research methods are investigation and educational experiment .

  2. 教育实验假设的意义及建立

    On the Matter of Establishing and Normalizing a Hypothesis In Educational Experiment

  3. 基于Flash的交互式动态多媒体远程教育实验系统的设计

    The Design of the Distance Education Experiment Systen Based on Flash by the Alternant Multimedia

  4. 基于PC的虚拟仪器是现代电子技术在高等教育实验中最新的亮点。

    A kind of virtual instrument , based on PC-System , is the newest " bright spot " in higher education experiments .

  5. 我国主体教育实验的回顾、反思与展望

    Recall , Reflection and Prospect of China 's Subjective Education Experiment

  6. 普通大学生终身体育教育实验研究

    Studies on the experiment of lifelong physical education for College Students

  7. 农村小学开展心理健康教育实验的探讨

    On Carring on the Sound Psychology Education in Rural Primary Schools

  8. 高等中药教育实验教学改革势在必行

    Reform of Experiment Teaching of Higher ECM must be Enforced

  9. 心理品质教育实验效果统计分析

    Statistic and analysis of experiment effect of psychological qualify education

  10. 中度智力残疾学生劳动、劳动技术教育实验报告

    Experiment on Laboring technical Education for Moderate Mentally Retarded Pupils

  11. 关于科学地评论教育实验论文的思考&兼评欧阳敬孝违背客观事实的评论

    How to Review a Research Paper on Educational Experiment scientifically

  12. 初中学生心理素质教育实验研究报告

    The research report on middle school students ' psychological quality

  13. 教育实验成败评价标准探讨

    On Assessment criteria measuring success or failure of educational experiment

  14. 新教育实验的基本理论与实践探索

    The Exploration into the Basic Theory and Practice of the New Educational Experiment

  15. 近代中国农村教育实验与实践的历史回顾与反思

    Retrospection and Reflection of Rural Education in Modern China

  16. 数学思想方法教育实验中资料的收集和数据的处理

    Gathering materials and processing data on educational experiment with mathematical method of thinking

  17. 关于提高教育实验科学水平的几点思考

    Reflections on Improvement of Scientific Level in Educational Experiment

  18. 智力残疾学生健康教育实验研究

    Experimental Study on Health Education for Mentally Retarded Students

  19. 朱永新的学术研究成就与新教育实验

    ZHU Yong-xin 's Academic Achievement and New Educational Experiment

  20. 中职生生涯发展课程教育实验研究

    An Experiment on the Career Development Education for the Secondary Vocational School Students

  21. 高级技工教育实验教学方案探析

    Exploration of Experimental Teaching Programs for Higher Technical Education

  22. 为什么没有一个地方用来进行教育实验呢?

    Why not a place to experiment with education ?

  23. 走出迷宫:中国当代教育实验述评

    A Review Of Contemporary Educational Experiment In China

  24. 教育实验中证伪合理性思考

    A rational consideration of falsification in educational experiment

  25. 教育实验设计规范化的探讨

    Exploring the Normalization of Experimental Design in Education

  26. 上海市城建学校心理卫生教育实验

    Report of experimental education program on mental health in a technical school in Shanghai

  27. 中学情商教育实验研究

    A research on EQ education in high schools

  28. 教育实验结果的评价&模糊数学在教育实验中的应用

    Valuation on the result of educational experiment

  29. 构建医学教育实验平台的探讨

    Discussing about constructing medical education laboratory platform

  30. 高校毕业生择业焦虑的心理教育实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Effect of Psychological Education to Graduate ′ s Vocational Selection Anxiety